The Only Reason Why | Teen Ink

The Only Reason Why

February 27, 2014
By lindseakolometz BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
lindseakolometz BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was fixing supper on September 10th. I was fixing Rieley's favorite, tacos because he has been through so much this week. When it was ready I called my usual punctual son, Rieley to come eat like I have done many times "Rieley come eat." I waited a minute and he never came so I called again "Rieley please come eat. It is your favorite, tacos." He never came nor replied. I angrily began to yell one last time "Rieley get out here now!" I barged into his room only to see him hanging from the ceiling. His limp lifeless body just hung there. I got him down and he had no pulse so I called an ambulance and while I was waiting for the ambulance I found this letter.

'I’m sorry Layl. I never expected all of this to happen so quickly. I should have been there for you more than I was. I love you so much. I sobbed and thought back to the most important day of my life.

Layla was sitting at her desk in first period when I first saw her. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She was perfect in every way,and I was in love from that moment on. I didn’t know her well but I knew that she was amazing. I sat down beside her and said “Hi I am Rieley.” She looked up at me slowly with her deep turquoise eyes “Hey I’m Layla.” she said quietly. That is how it all started. We started as friends then our relationship prospered into a love for each other almost immediately. We have been inseparable ever since.

Layl was the nickname that I gave her when we were friends and it just stuck. One day we were hanging out and I saw her wrists for the first time when her long sleeve accidentally came up a little revealing her past written all out on her wrists. She quickly pulled her sleeve back down clearly embarrassed. I knew that she was bullied before but i didn’t know that it had gotten that bad. I was extremely concerned about her. I finally broke the silence and asked “Why would you do that? Who is making you do this to yourself?” She didn’t reply for a minute until she finally came clean and confessed “I can’t take it; all of the teasing and everyone hating me for being different. I just can't take it! Everyone teases me about my hair, my clothes, even my looks and cutting helps the pain of all of the awful stuff that they say go away.” By this point we were both in tears and I couldn’t control it. I was so upset that I hadn’t been there for her or even noticed anything. I felt horrible! I never knew it had gotten this bad. That night we had a really hard long talk about her and her feelings. She told me so many things that were extremely hard for me to hear. She told me that she was suicidal and the only thing keeping her from going through with it was me. I couldn’t believe that I was that important to someone. I love her so much! After that talk I was especially careful about what I said to her and how I said it. I made a point to compliment her daily. The other kids would still tease her some but she never acted like it bothered her but I always knew deep down that it killed her inside. I didn’t know what to do to make them stop though. If I said anything to them them it would only get worse.

She seemed to be getting better. She wasn’t cutting her wrists anymore and she seemed to be flourishing. She appeared to be extremely happy. Until he got a voicemail from her out of the blue. It said “Hey I just wanted to tell you that I love you and I am sorry that I have to do this but I just can’t take it anymore.” She was sobbing by now but she continued “I just wanted to tell you that I love you one more time. Goodbye.” I couldn’t believe it! She was going to go through with it. He was so confused but he knew that he had to try to stop her. He drove to her house as fast as he could and when I got there I just ran straight in the house to find her. I ran up to her room on the second floor going three steps at a time. I was so terrified that I was too late. When I got to the door it was locked so I stepped back and got a running start. I hit the door as hard as I could with my shoulder. Then I heard it. Bang! I knew I was too late but I still kept trying to get in. Finally I got in. I saw her laying there lifeless on her bed. There was blood everywhere. I ran over to her as I pulled out my phone and called 911. I picked her warm, limp body up for the last time just as the 911 operator answered and I screamed “My girlfriend just shot herself in the head. I need an ambulance at 8255 Hope Road!"

I held her for the last time as the police and ambulance showed up. When the medics came in the room I was holding her and sobbing. They took her from me and put her on a stretcher. They checked for a pulse but there was nothing. They tried CPR but there was no use, she was gone forever and there wasn't a thing anyone could do about it. It was all my fault and I know it. If only I would have stood up for her or gotten here quicker. I could have stopped her and she would still be here with me.

I miss her so much! I loved her so much that it hurt. She was my best friend and it is my fault that she did this. If I would have answered the phone when she called then I could have stopped her but instead I just let her go to voicemail live I have done so many times before. I just can't believe that my only friend is now gone. It is just not worth it anymore. I am done. I am done with everything. I just want all of this sadness to go away! I just want to be with Layl!

I have made up my mind. I would rather be with her than be living. I am so sorry to anyone that finds me like this. I am sorry that it had to come to this, but I just can't deal with the guilt and the unhappiness of being without her. Goodbye mom I love you and I am sorry.'

I was fixing supper on September 10th. I was fixing Rieley's favorite, tacos because he has been through so much this week. When it was ready I called my usual punctual son, Rieley to come eat like I have done many times "Rieley come eat." I waited a minute and he never came so I called again "Rieley please come eat. It is your favorite, tacos." He never came nor replied. I angrily began to yell one last time "Rieley get out here now!" I barged into his room only to see him hanging from the ceiling. His limp lifeless body just hung there. I got him down and he had no pulse so I called an ambulance and while I was waiting for the ambulance I found this letter.

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