Cornelius | Teen Ink


March 3, 2014
By Margot1345678 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
Margot1345678 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

here is a city and it is called Oldmerrow. It is an intricate network of cobblestone paths, pavement streets, and concrete sidewalks. This city was full of good people and good things. There were bankers and mailmen and firemen and police. There were nice schools and hospitals and little candy stores on corners. There were shoe stores and grocery store and clothes store and restaurants. There were doctors and nurses and there were bartenders and realtors. But like every city, there was bad things too. There were robbers and fighters and rebels and screamers. There were sketchy alleyways with shady looking people that talked in whispers and mumbles like they had there own secret language. There were hustlers and gamblers and sinners. And there was a mob.

Today on one of the labyrinth cobblestone paths walked a drunk. A man who only had one thing on his mind. Jason...Jason…...Jason…..Jason. The man could hear the words pounding in his head as sure as he could feel his heart beating. The man did not know where to find Jason for nobody really knew where he was. One day here the next day… POOF. The man needed Jason. He needed him because you see he needed money, and everyone in Oldmerrow knew that Jason had money.

He had tried everything. He had gone to the bank just to be turned away because he couldn’t pay the amount that was due at the end of each month. He just couldn’t afford it. Even his friends and neighbors couldn’t lend him anymore money because they knew he couldn’t pay it back. They just couldn’t keep giving him money and he understood that. They did come over every once in a while to bring him a good meal but that was all they could do for now. He prayed every day for his son and his family he always lit a candle at church and he always spoke to the priest and God for guidance but there was nothing that could save him except money. So this was it this was his last resort and he knew it would be dangerous but he just needed to save his only son.

“Jason!!” the man screamed drunkenly “You need to come out here right now!! Come out and talk to me cause I needja fer somethin” He hiccuped and rubbed his nose closing his eyes to try and steady his pounding head. He wobbled forward and then lurched to the side. He put his arms out to steady himself against an invisible wall and he tipped forward. “Jason!! Where are you Jason come out here” The man hiccuped again “ Come out here and let me talk to you please.” The man stumble along the alleyways and paths lurching, dipping, tripping, dizzy, and tired he walked on. He was about to give up when he was suddenly jerked into an alleyway.
“Who are you?” The voice belonged to a strange man who was hidden by shadows. His voice was smooth and deadly.
“J..J...Jason?” The man asked the stranger.
“Yes, hello Cornelius, what is it you want exactly” Jason held tight to Cornelius’s collar.
Cornelius immediately sobered and then he gulped and gave a small coughing squeak. “I.. I just came to ask if I could borrow some … ah umm just some money.” Cornelius winced away hoping nothing bad would happen to him by the hand of this extremely intimidating man.
“Tut tut Cornelius I thought you would be smarter than to ask me for money. But I guess if you want it….” Jason trailed off with a wave of his hand. “Put this on please.” Jason let go of Cornelius and and gave him a burlap sack which Cornelius put on his head. Cornelius was then lead down twists and turns and finally came to a stop.
“You can take off the sack now” came Jason’s bored voice from though the burlap. Cornelius did as he was told and took off the sack and came to face a giant warehouse. Jason lead him inside and down a hallway before they came to a stop. Jason opened a creaky red door with a little red key and beckoned Cornelius in. The room was small and cramped and full of little odds and ends on precariously built shelves. In the center of the room was a small round wooden table the was well worn from various card games and from drinks without coasters. In the back of the room was a safe that was built into the wall where Jason got out a box containing the money and placed it on the table.
Greedily Cornelius reached out for the box. Jason slapped his hand away looking bored.
“What is this about?” Jason asked “You’re no gambler or drinker what is it with you?” He tilted his head and pursed his lips.
Cornelius could barely get the words out. “It’s… it it’s my son. He is very ill and I tried everything I could but he needs to have this operation and the doctors said that it’s his only chance to make it but all those bills add up and-”
“Cornelius” Jason warned cutting him off “You’re babbling. Just tell me how much you need”
“I Just need $150,000” Cornelius hurried on so Jason wouldn’t say no right away “I’m sorry its just that the shoe store isn’t doing too well and my wifes job doesn’t pay very much and my son has Leukemia and well..”
“How tragic, do you think you will be able to pay me back?”
“I.. I.. I can work for you for a little and maybe that could pay off the debt and I’ll I’ll count your money or I could mend your shoes or coats or I could I...I”
“Well if you want to work for me then I guess we could make arrangements don’t you think? Yes I think so. You’re strong and you have nicely defined muscles I think this might work out. For each job you do for me, you get let’s say $500. Deal?”
“Deal when do I start.”
“You start tomorrow” Jason said. Cornelius was shoved out the door and back onto the alleyway. He knew he just made a deal with the devil but he couldn’t help but smile at the fact that he could keep his son alive. Then the sack was placed back over his head from hands in the darkness and he was lead back to the alleyway.

“I’m home” Cornelius burst through the door to his house and was immediately greeted by his wife. She looked as tired as ever.
“What happened to you? My goodness gracious Cornelius you nearly gave me a heart attack. There were people who said they saw you drunk and my god Cornelius you smell like whiskey what in heavens name happened to you?”
“Lillian you look so tired.”
“Well I was up all morning cleaning and cooking and looking after our son, Cornelius!”
“No it seems like something more than that.”
“Well, we barely made the payments. I’m starting to get a pain in my back from picking up all those boxes at the office and now they’re barely paying us minimum wage. You didn’t answer my question Cornelius.”
“Everything is ok my dear sweet Lillian. I’m going to save our son and everything is under control my sweet.” Cornelius held his wife's shoulders and smiled at her “ Everything is ok.”
Lillian brought her hand up to her mouth and gasped. She took a breath and looked away and immediately started to sob. She collapsed on Cornelius’s shoulder. “Oh my God” she breathed “Our son is going to be okay. All that praying and hard work is finally paying off. God has answered our prayers. You my husband are a saint.”
“If only I was.” Cornelius whispered.

The next day Cornelius met Jason in the alleyway. Jason looked so different in the light. A lot less scary and a lot less mysterious. There were no scars on his clean shaven face and his mouth turned up at one end like he was about to make a snarky comment. He had this air about him making him seem like everyone should either bow to him or run from him. His suit was nicely creased and his hat was tilted forward casting shadows around his sunken in eyes. Cornelius crossed himself quickly and said a short prayer. “God help me and guide me” he breathed and walked up to what could have been the devil himself.
“ Ah Cornelius” Jason said when he saw him “Glad you could make it, we have kind of a busy day. I gotta show you the ropes and you have your first two job assignments, so lets get started.”
Jason put the sack back on Cornelius’s head and lead him back into the small room except this time it was filled with people. Filled with men. Men with mean stern expressions. The kind of men who could bend metal and break boulders. All those men crammed and cramped and piled together.
This must be the rest of the mob thought Cornelius. He winced as one of the men spat on the ground and smiled at him revealing a mouth full of gums and a few nasty yellow teeth.
“Don’t look so frightened if you want that money Cornelius you have to get used to these faces and working with these faces” Jason gave a half smile that wasn’t intended to comfort him and patted Cornelius on the back pushing him forward toward all those scarred and menacing faces.
After Jason told the men Cornelius’s name he was ushered into another room by Jason and his right wings man where there was nothing but a bare light bulb hanging from the ceiling swinging back and forth casting shadows on him and the two other men in the room.
“Ok, listen carefully.” Jason said poking him the chest, “This is Chris,” Jason put his arm around Chris giving him a little slap on the chest. Chris was very big a muscular, he was taller than Jason and there didn’t seem to be any good left in him. It was as if after working all those years for Jason there was a permanent frown etched deeply in his skin and he could no longer smile. He acted as though he lived in hell and had gotten used to the heat. The heat that had probably dehydrated all the happiness and joy right out of him. Cornelius could only feel sorrow for the scary brooding man that stood before him. He probably didn’t believe in God and he was probably going to hell. But I guess that wouldn’t matter to him if he liked living there in the first place. Cornelius said a quick prayer for him and studied him some more.
“Did you get that” Jason was asking
Cornelius jumped realizing his mind had drifted. “I umm I didn’t quite catch that no. Sorry” He looked at his feet as Jason gave an exasperated sigh.
“Listen champ and listen good if you don’t come through with this dept I’m gonna have to do some things to you and your family that I’m not too proud to even think about. Do you understand that champ? Yeah? Is that a yes I’m going to need you to speak up ok?”
“Yes yes I understand” Called Cornelius as Jason left the room. Champ? Cornelius thought who does he think he is calling me champ and treating me like a little boy. Oh shut up Cornelius He told himself You’re the one letting him treat you like that. You just need to do what he says until you can afford the operation God will help you God will be there for you He will guide you. With that he took a deep breath and followed Jason out of the room. Back in the alley way, the three men made their way to another door. This door was wooden and was worn down and beaten by the elements. It had a very heavy, menacing looking padlock on it, which Jason used a large set of rusted metal keys to open. When the door was opened and the lights came on Cornelius thought he might faint. Lining the walls, scattered haphazardly on the ground, bursting from boxes and almost falling off of the shelves were weapons. Knives, guns, grenades. They had basically everything except nuclear warfare.
“This” said Jason with a swipe of his hand “is the weapons room.”
“I...I.. What is all this stuff?” Cornelius stuttered
“What does it look like?” Jason sneared “These are weapons” He bent down and picked up a couple of knives then ushered Cornelius and Chris out of the room. “Heres what I want you to do” Jason spoke to Cornelius. “You are going to listen to everything Chris tells you, understand? He will be accompanying you on all your assignments so we make sure you do everything up to our expectations. Got it champ?” Jason looked as though he was about to leave then he turned back “Oh and one more thing, if you tell anybody about this, about the warehouse about the weapons about the assignments we might just have to do some very bad things to you and you don’t want that now do you champ.” Jason fixed Cornelius’s collar and brushed some dust off his shoulder. He gave him a quick sly smirk and turned around. Jason’s back was the last thing Cornelius saw before the bag was again placed over his head.
“Lets go,” Chris’s gruff voice made its way to Cornelius’s ears. Cornelius was shoved along and half dragged by Chris. As Chris was leading him he was talking to Cornelius and going through the steps of the first assignment. “Ok, we are going to go to a man by the name of Carmichael, William Carmichael. He owes us money and you see we don’t like it when people don't pay us back.” To emphasize his point, Chris shoved Cornelius from behind. “Understand? Champ.” He emphasized the word champ with another hard push.
“ what does this have to do with me?” Cornelius mumbled from under the sack.
“This has to do with you because, well you’re strong, and you’re going to get our money.” Chris whipped off the burlap sack. “One way or another.” Cornelius stopped walking and thought about what that emotionless man had just said. They were back in the alley way.
“But you’re strong too. Why don’t you get it back. Besides I don’t see what strength has to do with it. I think…”
“Hey!” Chris shouted interrupting Cornelius “Shut up and keep walking. You're going to get our money back and I’m not because I didn’t make a stupid deal with Jason, you did idiot. And strength has everything to do with it. You need to intimidate them and then if they don’t listen you need to torture them. Kapeesh?”
“Torture?!? I… I didn’t sign up for that.”
“Well what the hell did you think you signed up for? Mending our clothes? Making us little finger sandwiches? Playing mommy? No. That’s not what's gonna happen champ. You are going to do what we tell you. And what you don’t do, we will. But we, will do it to you. Got that?”
“Well what do you mean by torture?”
“We’re here.” They were stopped in front of a big brick building. It was crumbling a little around the edges and there were vines growing up the side. Weeds lined the path up to the building. Inside was worse. There was just a cement room with little yellow light bulbs. The wallpaper was peeling revealing mold and bugs. The stairs up to William Carmichael’s room were cement and dark. Only one person could fit at a time so Cornelius had to walk behind Chris. Every few feet there was another little yellow light, barely illuminating the way up. When the got to the door Chris held out a hand. “Stand back.” He kicked down the door and walked in like he owned the place. Cornelius followed after him and they found a woman sitting at a table looking scared and surprised.
“Where’s Carmichael.” Chris slammed his hands on the table
“I don’t know who that is” The woman trying desperately to look like she was not afraid.
Chris made his way around the table and grabbed the woman’s arm and shoved it behind her back. “I said where is Carmichael.” He said through gritted teeth.
“Ahh. Stop please please” She struggled
“Well then I think we can make a deal uh?” He tightened his grip and she let out another shreek. “You tell me where our friend Will is and I’ll let you go.”
“He’s Aaah” She struggled against his hand “He’s in the bathroom.” She let out one more scream before Chris let go. She collapsed in her chair as Chris went to the bathroom.
“Are you ok” Cornelius asked, trying to reach for her arm.
“Leave me alone you devil.”
“I am no devil ma'am. Will is the only bad man here. He made a deal he could not repay and now he is getting what he deserves” He crossed himself and continued. “Is there anything I can do… to help?”
“All you can do for me is pray.” She sighed “Now leave me alone. I don’t want you here you horrible man.”
“Yes, yes God can help.” Cornelius ignored her last comment. instead he nelt to the ground and took the women's and began to pray. She quickly snatched them away.
“Don’t touch me. Don’t you dare touch me, or… or I’ll… hurt you.” She brought her hand back as if to strike. Cornelius was about to explain himself when his name was called from the other room.
“Get in here Cornelius we need to teach our friend some things.”
Cornelius looked back at the woman who scowled at him and spit at his feet. He turned from her and said a quick prayer and walked toward Chris. When he arrived in the bathroom he almost threw up. William Carmichael was bloodied and tied to the toilet. He had a split lip and two black eyes. His nose was a waterfall of blood.
“Don’t gawk champ get over here and grab his arms.” Chris untied William and was taking his feet in his hands. They took him into the kitchen and tied him to a chair. They kept his hands tried to the top table.
“Get out!” Chris shouted at the women who was still sitting at the kitchen table. She glared at him once and left.
“Now Will. You’re going to tell me where the money is or my associate is going to break your fingers slowly one by one ok.”
The man looked at Cornelius and laughed. “Him? I heard him praying as he was coming in. He’s too much of a believer to do harm a fly.”
“Oh but my friend is going to break your fingers because he has to.” Chris gave a threatening look to Cornelius. “He also knows you have been a very bad bad man and you deserve punishment. Ain't that correct champ?”
“Actually” Cornelius struggled to find the right words “I’m not very good with blood and I.. um” Chris grabbed Cornelius by the collar and dragged him out of the room. Chris put him up against the wall and his feet dangled. Through gritted teeth he whispered “You are going to act like a gang member do you understand champ.” Chris banged him against the wall. “You are going to break his fingers when I tell you to break his fingers. You are going to do it exactly how I tell you to do it and if you don’t I will personally break you finger. Do. You. Under. Stand.” He punctuated each syllable with another bang against the wall. “Now go over to that table and act like you’re from the mob”
“I….Don’t know how.” Bang Cornelius was shoved against the wall again
“You ask where the money is and you don’t stop asking until he tells you. You get angrier and angrier. And when I say so you bend his finger back slowly until he starts to scream and then you keep bending and when it snaps, you find out where that money is.” He let Cornelius go and stalked back into the room. Cornelius collapsed to the floor breathless. He whispered and prayed for God to forgive him of what he was about to do. God would forgive him, He told himself This man was a very bad man and so he deserved punishment. I need to save my son too. To harm a bad man is better than as letting my son die. He brushed himself off and put a scowl on his face and walked into the room.
“Will. Hi my name is Cornelius. I wasn’t introduced earlier. I’m here to collect the money you own them.. us. The mob.” He stole a quick glance toward Chris, and cleared his throat. “My friend and I just need to know where you’re keeping the money and then we’ll be on our way.”
“Go to hell.” William Carmichael spat at Cornelius’s feet.
“No you don’t seem to understand that you will be the only one going to hell.”
“Oh? Really your so called God thinks its ok to break a mans fingers?”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“The money.” Chris warned
“Hold it so your God thinks that if you harm a man. A man he created. You're still going to heaven.” William Carmichael said
“Yes I do.” Cornelius was getting angrier.
“Oh and how do you figure that.”
“Sorry no can do.”
“Oh you can and you will.”
“Start with the pointer finger champ” Chris said
Cornelius looked at the man and smiled “Here we go.” He grabbed William Carmichael's finger and slowly bent it backwards. “Where's that money?” He asked sweetly. William was starting to look uncomfortable and he started to squirm in the chair.
“You’re God ain't gonna like this.”
“Don’t bring my God into this. I’ll ask you again before your finger touches your wrist and you had better answer. Where is that money.” Cornelius brought William’s finger further back. Cornelius couldn’t help but feel a little proud and in command. He felt like he was in control he felt like he was doing a good deed. Ridding the world of a gambling non believer. William Carmichael’s screams brought him back to earth.
“I already said it was under the coffee table. Let go of my finger.”
“I got the money champ.”
“Yeah yeah he’s got the money champ now let go of me. Please.” William was struggling to break free of the chair. “I’ll never miss a payment again. Please.”
“I’m...I’m sorry.” Cornelius let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding
“The mob doesn’t say we’re sorry champ. Now break his finger.”
“But we got the money”
“Yeah you have the money there’s no need for that.” William said.
“Shut up.” Chris slapped him then turned to Cornelius “I said break his finger. Champ.” He practically spat out the word. Then he leaned in close and whispered to Cornelius “Remember whatever you don’t do. I do to you. Oh yeah and don’t forget your dying son.”
Shakily Cornelius grabbed the man’s hand. And brought the finger back. He couldn’t look. Not when William Carmichael started to struggle. Not when William Carmichael started to scream and cry out in pain. Not even when he felt the bone snap beneath his fingers or hear the sickening crack as the bone split in two. He just let go and walked out. He could barely make out Chris’s voice saying that that was the last time William Carmichael missed a payment. All he could hear was his silent prayer to God and the name William Carmichael echoing through his head. William Carmichael. His first job with Jason. The first time he broke someone’s finger. The first time he tortured someone. William Carmichael. The first man he felt superior to, and he liked it. What has Jason done to me.
Cornelius barely made it outside before he threw up. His head was spinning. He didn’t think he could make it through the day.
“I said act like you’re in the mob. When you’re in the mob you don’t apologize. We got another job to do.” Chris said he handed him $500 then shoved him forward.
Cornelius put a hand on Chris’s shoulder and turned him around. “Why did you make me break his finger?”
“He needed to learn.” Chris shoved Cornelius’s hand away and turned to walk away. Mid stride he stopped. “And so did you. You need to toughen up or you won't last long champ.”
The second job was easier and a lot less bloody the man gave up the money quickly and even gave up extra. Cornelius wasn’t sure that the man knew he gave extra but Chris didn’t say anything so Cornelius didn’t either. It still made him sick and he longed to feel the church pews under him. To pray.

“Father. Father.” Cornelius called “I have done something terrible”
Father Pat came to him “Oh Cornelius it’s so nice to see you.” Father Pat had the warmest smile, it could melt snow. He was an elderly man with white hair and little rectangular glasses. He was a little bit plump and had eyes that were always laughing
“I’ve done something terrible.” Cornelius repeated
“So I’ve heard, are you going to tell me what this something terrible is?”
“I just wanted you to know.” Cornelius looked at his feet
“Ah I see well if you can’t tell me, why don’t you sit and pray a while hmmm?”
“Thank you father.” Cornelius went the the very front of the church and knelt before the crucifix. He prayed and prayed for what seemed like hours. He just needed to get it all out.

He went home that night and cried in his bed. He wouldn’t come down for meal time he wouldn’t tell his wife what the matter was. He could only hold onto her and cry. He cried and cried until he fell asleep.

Everyday was the same. He went to the shoe store to check on the employees. He went to the mob to see if they had another job for him. Usually they did but on days they didn’t he would switch between the shoe store and the church. He usually had two to three jobs a day. Sometimes the jobs were big and then he could only do one, but some days the jobs were small and on those days he got to do about five. Everyday was the same. Wake up work and everyday he would go to church. And everyday father would ask him what was going on. And everyday he responded by saying he needed to repent. But at least every day he was closer to his goal He had worked for three weeks for the mob and he was slowly becoming a shell. He smiled less, he became angry more quickly, but there was one thing that always stayed the same. Every cent, every penny he earned went into his son’s surgery. $42000 is the amount of money he had saved to far. Added to the money from the shoe store he had $67,500. He couldn’t believe he was going to make it. The store was doing well and he no longer had to work for the mob

He was on to his fourth week working for the mob. He arrived in the alley to tell Jason he was done with this dept. But Jason was already there waiting for him.
Jason never ever meets me here something must be wrong. Cornelius thought
“Hey there champ long time no see.” Jason gave Cornelius one of his signature crooked smurks. “You’ve been so busy running around with Chris and go to assignments that we hardly ever talk. “ Cornelius looked at him with bored eyes. Jason continued. “Well I was thinking we should talk right now how does that sound champ.”
“Great. Lets talk. I actually have something to tell you too. I’m done with the mob” Cornelius leaned up against the wall and watched Jason carefully. So many different scenarios and questions were running through his mind.
“Well now champ you seem all grown up.” Jason chuckled. “Not even one s..s...stamper.” He looked at Cornelius expectantly but Cornelius just looked back with the same stone cold expression. Jason’s face broke into a smile and he continued. “Well it seems as though our little champ has turned out to be quite an addition to the mob, and I don’t think we’re done with you yet. If you think you can just quit that easily you’d be mistaken. But I’ll make you another deal. If you work for me for two more weeks you’re free to go. But I think that it’s time that you take on something bigger, right?” Jason brought out a gun. Cornelius stood and watched. Is he going to shoot me? Alert and ready to fight back if need be. This mob had taught him many things and the first was don’t trust anyone. Jason just looked at him and laughed.
“I’m just giving you another assignment you moron.” Jason handed him the gun. “Now here’s the deal. You’ve been working for us for 4 weeks now and I think it’s time that you stepped it up. If I’m going to be letting you off early. You gotta do some big jobs”
“What’s in it for me?”
“Here’s what’s in it for you champ. How about me not killing you. Is that ok? And you’ll still be getting paid. Maybe even a little extra green. You know a little more doe ray me. Mula cash money. You get it?” Cornelius nodded. “Good. Now on this assignment you don’t get babied. You’re big brother Chris ain't gonna be coming along. Kapeesh? Here’s what your gonna do.”

Cornelius made his way along the peer. Walking slowly hearing Jason’s words echo in his mind. When you reach Silverbank keep walking down the shore until you get to peer 9. The gun was heavy in his pocket. He could only keep asking himself if he was a monster. What had become of him because of this mob. When you reach peer nine you will see a boathouse. Cornelius turned toward the tiny shack that was the boathouse. It was small and wooden and worn down. It looked like it hadn’t been used in a couple years. He walked slowly and when he got to the door he hesitated then turned the knob and opened the creaky door. Now on the left you’ll find rope and some tape. Take those champ. Are you listening? This is important that you get this. Then you just wait for a little until he walks in. So Cornelius crouched in the corner and did just that. Cornelius had asked who the person was. All Jason responded with was a short it’s not important. Hes just a bad man. Cornelius wasn’t satisfied with that answer but he listened anyway. This was his last job. Even if Jason didn’t know it, he was done with this mob, and he was done with all this hurting. Just then the door creaked open. Ok you better be listening to this part champ this is the important part. As soon as the man walks in you pounce on him. You tie him up and you cover his mouth with tape. Cornelius worked furiously at the rope as the man struggled under him. You don’t speak. And you don’t look at his face got it? He tied the knot and reached for the tape. Don’t let him look at your face just incase he escapes. Here take these sunglasses. Cornelius ripped the tape and put it over the man’s mouth. Then drag him out to the peer. Don’t worry the gun has a silencer and the peer is gonna be empty. The man was really struggling as Cornelius dragged him out to the edge of the peer. Then turn and walk ten paces away. Cornelius crossed himself, turned and counted out his steps. One, two, three, Go have to make sure you line up the gun right. Four, five, six, seven. Okay then you take a nice deep breath. Don’t look him in the eyes. Eight, nine. Aim. Ten. Fire.
But he did something wrong. He knew he did. He just couldn’t help it. He had looked into the man’s eyes. They were pleading and helpless like a bird with a broken wing trying to fly. Jasons words echoed in his head. Fire fire fire fire.
He pushed his sunglasses up higher onto his nose and shook his head loosening his neck. Spitting once on the ground beside him he slowly raised his gun to the man he just gagged and tied.
Should he just shoot? Should he kill the man that knelt before him, the man he hardly knew? What if he had a family? He knew that if he shot this man he would never be free of the guilt. Would Jason rat him out about the murder and use it as blackmail to keep him working? Keep making him kill? He just didn’t want all that blood on his hands. God would never forgive him God would abandon him. And he just couldn’t do it. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself. God would punish him for the rest of his life.
He moved the gun. Slowly. Carefully. Toward himself. It would be better if he just killed himself. He could be free of killing this man. Killing was one of the worst sins. He couldn’t do it. He could end this torture of being the bad guy. He wouldn't have to hurt anymore innocent people and he wouldn’t have to kill. No more of these, so called “big jobs”. He could leave behind this pain and his family would….. his family.
He whipped the gun back to the man in front of him still pleading with his eyes for his life. Cornelius licked his lips in anticipation he could feel the sweat dripping down his face. He repositioned his hands on the gun, cleared his throat once and stared down the man.
He needed to stay alive for them. He needed to stay alive for his family. He needed to kill this man. His wife couldn’t run the shoe store and care for their son and go to her job everyday. She couldn’t do it on her own. She already did too much already. There was no way she could keep up the store, and he couldn’t just let his son die. If he didn’t kill this man then his wife and son would have to die. God only knows what Jason would do to them. There is no way to escape the mob. No one ever wins. He should just shoot. Just do it already. Just get it overwith.
Just kill this innocent man. This scared man kneeling on a dock in front of the lake. Whose last thought might be him wondering what will happen to his wife and kids when daddy doesn’t show up for dinner. Cornelius was going to hell and he knew it. His hands were shaking, the gun was darting between him and the man in quick succession. He closed her eyes and took a breath. Maybe he should just kill them both.

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