100 Dollar Story | Teen Ink

100 Dollar Story

March 11, 2014
By Brenton- BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Brenton- BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If we believe we shall receive. This story about an unexpected blessing that can changed a family life with a simple one hundred dollar bill.

The family was very poor they couldn't even afford a house. It was in the early 60’s when money was hard to come by for the poor. Well, this family of four had been poor 3 years that’s a total of 1,095 days and they didn't have a home, new clothes, and barely anything eat, or to drink. So one day in November the dad was at Kinko's filling out an application and when he finished he left the tall building and started to head home which was in a alley. In the corner of his eye he noticed a man walking toward him. He turned and noticed a tall skinny man with a black suit and a bow tie. The tall skinny man with a black suit and a bow tie said,

“Hi, my name is Charles.”
The poor dad then said, “Hello my name is William,” with excitement.

Then Charles said,

“I hear you have a wife, son, and a daughter and ya’ll are very poor is that correct?”

The poor dad looked down and started to frown because sad thoughts were racing through his mind of all the bad times he and his family had been through but then he said,

“Yes it’s true but why are you concerned?”

Without speaking the the tall skinny man with a black suit and a bow tie put his hand in his pocket and took out a 100 dollar bill and gave it to the poor dad and turned and faded away in the fog as if he was a ghost. The poor dad sprinted to his family Barbara his wife, Michael his son, and Mary his daughter were in the alley making a fire. Immediately he shouted saying,

“Oh my goodness a man just gave me one hundred dollars!”

Barbara was in shock she didn't know how to react. William then told his family to come with him to the store. So they went to the clothing store and William bought his family warm cloths because it was winter time. After, they went and got food. The family enjoyed and embarrassed the moment because they never knew when their next meal would arrive. When they finished the family went back to the alley and finished building the fire and slept. The next day the father returned to Kinko's and asked the lady at the front desk if he was valid for the job. The lady said,

“Hold on one second,” so when she finished she said,

“Ah, well yes indeed you are and you start tomorrow.”
William was so happy he screamed like a little girl and as he was about to leave he spotted Charles and he turned and said,

“Honestly I don’t know what to say if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here right now. The money you gave to me and my family helped and it gave us hope thank you very much!"

Charles replied saying,

“Well, i’m very glad I put an impression on you and your family.”

And just as William was about to leave Charles said,

“Can I treat you and your family to dinner?” William replied, “That would be a pleasure.”

So then William ran and got his family and told them all about what happened and what was about to happen. The family was overwhelmed in excitement and they met up with Charles and they went to eat dinner and they all enjoyed themselves and lived happily and Charles went from poor to wealthy. Soon Charles and William became great friends and they hung out a lot. Since William worked at Kikos he later bought a house for him and his family and they lived next door to Charles. It was all perfect, Charles had a daughter named Sarah, a son named John, and a wife named Jane. So they all were close and lived a happy loving life.

The author's comments:
To talk about times when people were poor and couldn't afford certain thing and how a mans life was changed.

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