Clean Man | Teen Ink

Clean Man

March 18, 2014
By Blane Shiferaw BRONZE, Addis Abeba, Other
Blane Shiferaw BRONZE, Addis Abeba, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Don't you dare! Oh Don't you dare touch me with those hands. Some kind of a husband you are. I go away for a week to my sisters and I find you here with this filthy w****. Go wash your hands, wash your hands with bleach. No actually go wash your entire body with bleach. Wait a minute, I realize that even if you washed yourself with it, you would still be dirty. You should go drink to cleanse yourself. Good, that's it. Now take the brush and shove it down your throat till your insides are really clean.

Actually stop, stop what your doing. No matter what you do you will still be a filthy, filthy man. I can never look at you the same way. No, stop, don't say a word, you'll embarrass yourself even more. No don't get close to me, I don't want your kiss. You'll just burn me with the acid that will come out of you. Acid that is burning you like the pain that is scouring the love I have for you from my heart. You actually ripped out my heart and smeared it all over my life. You've left a huge stain in my life that can never be removed. You may just be a man, but a man has the dignity to face his wife. He wouldn't have to be covered by his own lies and regrets. Please go, the sweat that you left on the bed sheets have left multiple round stains to remind me of what you have done. The shameful steps you leave as you walk will be imprinted permanently on the wooden floors. Now, all I see is man that is really clean but who actually isn't.

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