My Secret Lover | Teen Ink

My Secret Lover

March 16, 2014
By Shekinah_G. BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
Shekinah_G. BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I was driving into the driveway of my home and as I approached I clicked the button to open my garage. Just arriving home from work I was tired and anxious to finally relax. I got out of my car and proceeded into the house.

“Hey baby,” I ecstatically greeted my yorkie, brownie, who just as excitedly greeted me back. I continued talking to her in a baby voice as if she could respond. I took off my coat, heels, and suit jacket, then walked into the kitchen to get a bottle of starbucks frappucino. Oh, I have to go check the mail, I thought to myself as I walked outside to go check the mailbox. I looked inside and pulled out everything that had been delivered today. I decided I would look at everything when I got back in the house.

“Junk mail, trash, bills, bills, bills, post card, trash,” I stated aloud as I looked through all the envelopes. I continued to see if there was anything else important other than the bills and post card and to my surprise there was. It was a small white envelope, about the size of one that would hold ones birthday card. It had no return address, just my name- Kya Moore. I opened the envelope and there was a letter inside.

Dear Kya,
You may not know who I am at the moment and you may never guess who I am, but I have been in love with you ever since I first met you. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, of course you were beautiful in middle school, but after a decade you blossomed. Well I guess you hear that all the time, but I just wanted to let you know. The reason I am writing you this letter is because I am too afraid to even speak to you about how I feel. I’m not saying I’m not an attractive guy or anything. I’m just shy.

In time, I believe that I’ll be able to express my feelings to you, but I think for now I’ll stick to sending you letters and gifts that are just as beautiful as you. I bet you’re wondering what gifts I’m talking about. Well to say the least you will have a gorgeous gift waiting on you in office tomorrow morning. You’re the best so you deserve the best.

-Your Secret Lover

After reading that small letter I didn’t know what to think, so I called my best friend, Jamal. When Jamal picked up the phone, I hurriedly explained to him the situation.

“This anonymous person just sent me a love letter I guess and they were saying they love me. I don’t know what’s going on, Jay, can you please help me?”

“What? Someone sent you a love letter? Uhm, when, when did you get it? I mean uhm,” Jamal sounded so nervous.

This was really weird not like him at all. He’s never ever nervous when he talks to me. We have been best friends since he was 9 and I was 7, that’s 14 years of friendship! I don’t understand why he would be nervous at all.

“I’ll talk to you later Jamal, I have something to do. I just remembered. I love you pookie!” I told Jamal.

“I love you too, Peach. Talk to you later.” Jamal said, less nervous than before.

The next day I got up that morning and went to work. I guess I’ll get to see what my “special gift” is now. I don’t really know if I’m excited or nervous, I just really don’t know. I parked into my spot at my office building and went to the elevator. I arrived on my floor and was greeted by the receptionist. My assistant had my coffee waiting for me, then she told me that someone had a delivered something to me and it was sitting in my office. I knew this just had to the gift. Now I wondered how big it was, how extravagant, what exactly was it? All of these questions flowing through my mind as I got closer and closer to my office.

I walked in and I was completely in a daze at this point. I had so many gifts. Teddy Bears in different sizes and colors, roses, a large basket full of chocolate, candy, and fruits, and a large card that said I love you on the inside. I couldn’t believe my anonymous lover did all of this. No one has ever done anything this extravagant for me. Not even for my birthday. I have to find out who this person is that’s sending me all of these beautiful, wonderful gifts.

The author's comments:
My inspiration for writing this story was the movie Obsessed at first, the I started thinking and I didn't want to be just like that movie. I deleted all of my story and thought maybe the main character isn't obsessed, but she wants to be just like another woman and take away her family. That didn't work either and then it finally came to me. A secret admirer that you've known your entire life finally decides to confront you. You don't know who it is obviously, but unbeknownst to you, it's your best friend.

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