The Tailor's Needle | Teen Ink

The Tailor's Needle

March 13, 2014
By Anonymous

Mending…creating is what I do, not destroy. Never in my life have I done so, but yet I look into my wives glassy eyes. Our body’s canvases for an abstract crimson piece of art. I look at what I have done and my soul withers and escapes my last breaths. With all that I have learned from my master I cannot mend my loves broken heart. I have destroyed my one true love and now I must destroy once more. The last glimpse of light my pain stricken eyes would see was that of my beloved needle that destroyed our lives, and will cast us down for eternal damnation in hell.

My entire life I have grown up poor owning few positions, and even less excitement. When the lord of our land raised our dues we had no money for our fills. Off to the city I should go and learn from the bet to fasten my skills. With my leaving I asked a neighbor to watch over my wife and bid my farewells. First my master said to me “you must choose three needles”. The biggest of the three was meant to start and finish the basis of your work. The smallest of the needles was meant for the finite details. With the middle one for everything in between.

Using the large needle the tailors tasks began small and grew with each successful one he sent money back home to his wife. Ohh the wife gorged herself with feasts, fine clothes and jewelry. She was as happy as could be, but could not fill the hole in her heart created by her husband’s leaving. As the year progressed the tailors skills grew and he advanced to the middle needle. Learning from the master tailor the apprentice collected everything he could from him. One day the master remarked “no student of mine has ever grown so fast and well with his studies”. He was ready for the final needle, but as his knowledge grew so did the wives loneliness.

With the days turning to weeks then months the apprentice soon surpassed his master, and with that they bid farewell to each other. The tailor along with his beloved needles began the venture back home. Finally in the first time in years he would be home to see his wife. Knowing both he and his wife love surprises he decided he would sneak into the bed were she slept, and when they woke he would be lying next to her.

Ohhh boy were they both in for a surprise after successfully sneaking into the kitchen the tailor hear a rustling up stairs. Thinking there was a robber he took out his biggest needle as his weapon. Up the stairs he went, he kicked open the door only to find his love and the neighbor committing an unforgivable sin together. The boy scared for his life leapt out the window. Blinded with a fog of emotion with rage leading the way, the tailor blacked out and released a monster. The monster advanced, the horrorstricken wife screamed for mercy as the large needle plunged into her heart filling the hole.

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