A Day, Today (story #1) | Teen Ink

A Day, Today (story #1)

March 13, 2014
By amandamae BRONZE, Brooten, Minnesota
amandamae BRONZE, Brooten, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was late one Friday night."I Melisa Dingle-Bore promise to keep our class fun and joyful the next two years." I typed. as you can tell i'm running for class president. i have two more years tell graduation so i need some stuff to put on my application to Harvard University. My parents think that i can just make it with out having to extra work as they put it. But i know that if I have some Extra clubs down I would have a better chance. Just in case I decided to apply to Julie art one of the world best music schools in the world. I Know you may think that I'm crazy but i'm not. I decided since I got my presidential paper done I decided to star working on my paper to Harvard University.

It was 9 pm and my mom came into my room and asked. "Have you practiced your instruments yet today!" i replied " NO, mother I haven't yet I will when I have time." "You do it now or i'm taking away your electrics for the weekended." Have I told you yet all the instruments I play here they are all in order from the age I started them them.
1.)Piano age 4.
2.)Guitar age 7.
3.)Flute age 10.
4.)Sax and Clarinet age 12.

After my mom came in and got after me I practiced tell 10:30 pm.the next morning my dad called me and said "M you need to get up or you will be late for work." So I got up and showered and got all ready for the day. I drove to work in my old ford 500. I work at a preschool/ Daycare. The reason I have a dash behind preschool is because its a daycare that teaches the kids thing they will need for preschool.I enjoy working for my needs and my my needs.So Yeah and what you have read is my personal dairy that's why it anonymous online.
<3 Melisa

P.S. i didn't keep it anonymous ops!

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