The Season is Never Over | Teen Ink

The Season is Never Over

March 12, 2014
By larrytiger BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
larrytiger BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
curling is life

As the buzzer sounded, DeKwondrey Jawon Harwell walked off the court dejectedly. Despite his outstanding 32 point performance, the Johnson High Bengals had managed to lose again. “Lets go” Coach MikZippy yelled from the sideline. Once in the locker room, the other players started joking around, laughing and having a good time. But not DeKwondrey. He kept his head down, knowing that he had not played well enough to bring home a victory. The Bengals had won three games and lost 16.

A new player showed up at practice the next day. “We have a new athlete on our team. His name is Marshal Wright and he just moved here from Kentucky.” Said Coach MikZippy. “Now take two warm-up laps and meet me back here” As practice went on, it became clear that Marshal was a great addition to there team. He easily assumed the role of team leader over the next few practices. Soon, it was time for the next game.

The Johnson High Bengals were taking on the Mudville High Cavemen. It was late in the fourth quarter, and the Bengals trailed 65-58, and Marshal was taking the ball up the court. He stepped up and nailed a three pointer, making it 65-61, with just under three minutes left. “Press! Press! Get the ball!” Yelled Coach MikZippy from his spot on the bench, but as he said it, he rose to his feet. A few seconds later, DeKwondrey stole the ball and was racing down the court on a fast break. He stopped his drive, and kicked the ball out to Marshal, who drained another three. It was 65-64, with a minute and a half left, when Johnson High had the ball again. Qwatru Zaxtru was dribbling up past half court, and he passed the ball forward to DeKwondrey, who stepped back and hit a deep two, that put the Bengals in the lead. All they had to do was hold the caveman scoreless for one more drive. With three seconds left on the clock, the Cavemen’s best player, Yuri Stevakodaxicavich shot a deep three, that just rolled out, giving the Bengals their fourth win of the season.

By the end of the year, the Johnson City High School Bengal were 14-16, and just missed the playoffs. But it was not a sad end of the season, because the team had hope for next year, with both Marshal Wright and DeKwondrey Jawon Harwell coming back for two more years. What would the future bring?

The author's comments:
Ball is life

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