I'm An Acoustic Quitar | Teen Ink

I'm An Acoustic Quitar

March 25, 2014
By holllabackgirl BRONZE, Saint Peters, Missouri
holllabackgirl BRONZE, Saint Peters, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m an acoustic guitar the way people strum my stings are how they affect my life. Just like my mom, my dad my whole family and friends play such a big part in my life. Without them my life would be like a blank page in a book; Boring.

I’m an acoustic guitar because I’m useless without my strings. My strings are my family and they are always there for me and will never leave.

I’m an acoustic guitar I have to be tuned every so often but I will never be perfect. I always love working out when I have things on my mind. Ever since I didn’t play volleyball last season I realized how much I loved the sport and knew what true perseverance was. I was also always a perfectionist and a neat freak because whenever my sister would sneak in my room I could tell because she would leave a mess.

I’m an acoustic guitar I’m a part of music and make people’s lives better, make their confidence about themselves become better and share happiness. When I was younger my aunt and I were really close, she was like my second mother and then she had passed and told me, “You’re never fully dressed without a smile.” To this day I always have a smile on my face and see the good things in life.

I’m an acoustic guitar because I’m wooden. Wood has grains and grooves that go with each other, I always go with the flow even if there’s some bumps in the road my dad told me all the time “it is what it is and you can’t do anything with the past but live in it or learn from it.”

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