Character Sketch | Teen Ink

Character Sketch

March 19, 2014
By Stephanie2015 SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
Stephanie2015 SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Sean Kavanagh. I didn’t choose to be here, I should be at football practice right now. It’s 3:45 and my team will be doing warm-ups still. I wonder who is leading my team. Probably Paul Pritchard, he’s knows what he’s doing. We look alike too, it’s like we were twins separated at birth. Six foot three, blue eyes, dark blonde hair. We were even born in the same month of the same year. Our first game was smack in the middle of our birthdays, so afterwards, we had a huge bonfire. We’ve always been pretty close. But then again, so were Victor and I.

Jail is no place for an eighteen year old. A first offense assault charge? That should be no big deal, he’s only in the hospital. The only problem is, they can’t find Amanda. That’s the only reason I’m here. They think I killed my ex-girlfriend. “They” being Amanda’s moms. Lawrence knows I wouldn’t do something like this. Truth be told, she probably got too trashed and got a bad tattoo or something and was afraid to go home. Maybe she did too many lines and got kidnapped, she never knew when too much partying was enough. I told them that too. Just because I beat up her boyfriend (who was supposed to be one of my best friends, we’d known each other forever) doesn’t mean that I killed her. I didn’t even touch her. Maybe I yelled a little too loud in her face, but she was used to it. I used to do it all the time when she’d get too drunk and hang all over other guys. She really had a problem. Maybe he should have said something to her parents or to her friends. Nevermind on the friends, they were the same way. For being cheerleaders and “role models”, those girls were total trash. What a thought. Sitting on the floor in my cell, thinking about my ex-girlfriend’s drinking problem. Not about my court date, not about my ugly jail clothes and how they itched, not about how hungry I was. I was worried about my alcoholic, seventeen year old, lost, ex-girlfriend. And they think I was the one who did something to her. What a joke.
I wondered what my parents would think if they were here. My mom would probably be crying. Her baby boy in jail? Unbelievable. She’d sob and sob. My dad wouldn’t even look at me. I’d be a disappointment. Two older brothers, both went to the same college and played football. Both were valedictorian, prom kings, and football captains. I was well on my way to following in their footsteps, already had football captain in the bag. Maybe. I hope they’d still let me when I came back. I’d only missed four days. They had to find her. I couldn’t stand this much longer.

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