A Heart's Last Beat | Teen Ink

A Heart's Last Beat

March 20, 2014
By Anonymous

Fire. It engulfs me quickly, pulling me silently into my last night.
The fire makes only the sounds of dying sticks, for a melting girl melts silently. The only sound a melting girl makes, is a sound not audible in the ears of most. That sound is the beating of my heart, pounding frantically in my chest. Trying to survive where no heart can. My heart is as stupid as I am, was, I mean. I tried to survive too.
A girl, a heart, both dead.
You, my heart, have no idea. We have felt more pain than deserved. I did what I was supposed to, always. You did too, you were a loyal heart. Thank you. I'm sorry you will die, that you were unfortunate enough, to have a daring host like me. I'll miss you most. I would go on, but, that wouldn't be possible. I'm sorry to tell you this, but, I can count your remaining beats on one hand.
Here I can prove it. Are you ready?

The author's comments:
A very vivid dream I had, of my own death.

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