Hard knock life | Teen Ink

Hard knock life

March 21, 2014
By Romarick Makayat BRONZE, Addis Ababa, Other
Romarick Makayat BRONZE, Addis Ababa, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The room was filled with the scent of well cooked burgers sizzling on the grill. Jimmy was sweating bullets and his palms were moist from the heat that dominated the kitchen. Order after order he found himself pacing through his shift just to earn minimum wage. His mother was struggling with addiction, His father was nowhere to be found. In addition to that Jimmy, being the man of the house at only 17, had to look after his little sister and ill-fated mother. It was nearly 10, when Jimmy hung up his work attire. Truly fatigued from a hard day of work, he went to go check in with Mr. Marshall.

“Jimmy, I really appreciate the work you have been putting in. Please keep it up, said Mr. Marshall.

“Thank you! Sir, do you think I could get some extra shifts or something?”

“Of course! You deserve it with your home situaion and all. How's your mother and Hailey doing?” Mr. Marshall asked.

“Hailey has a talent show tomorrow and well mom's just being mom, Jimmy said.

“Hey Jimmy, how about you take a day off tomorrow and go to the talent show,”

“Wow, thanks, sir!” shouted Jimmy.

“Please Jimmy, call me Marshall.”

The next day was Friday. Fridays were always good according to Jimmy. As he walked out of the front doors of the building, he felt lifted knowing that he had earned hardworking money. Walking down the grimy streets he thought to himself, “I should buy a little present for Hailey.” Entering a nearby local store, he immediately went for the toy aisle and grabbed the most adorable teddy bear he could find. At the counter he also purchased M&Ms, Hailey loved M&ms. The clerk wrapped the items and put them in a bag for Jimmy. On his way out, he bumped shoulders with a mysterious man in a heavy winter coat. For a second they both stared at each other, then the man power walked towards the counter as Jim went his own way.

The author's comments:
You better read my stuff and publish it! :)

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