It's all For The Crowds | Teen Ink

It's all For The Crowds

April 1, 2014
By Anonymous

It’s all For The Crowds:
“Josh!!! The California music contest is in a week!” Monica said.
“But its still June,”Josh replied
“Right! In a week it is July!!” Monica answered frustratedly.
Josh did not realize that they had a week to make the song for their California music contest. They started playing, composing, and writing the song. Josh played the drums and Monica played the guitar and did the vocals. They finally came up with a great song and went to a bar to celebrate. However, while they were there, another band was also coincidentally there, and this band knew Monica and Josh were good. That band feared that Monica and Josh could win. Josh went to the bathroom, and the other band started to follow him.
“So are competing in next week’s contest?”
“Yes,”Josh answered.
The band proposed an interesting deal:
“Josh… you’ll never win with her, join us and you’ll receive 80% of the prize.”
Josh accepted the proposal.
The day of the contest arrived, and Josh and his new band were ready just as Monica was. They called Monica on stage, but she didn’t go. Josh played with his new band on the stage. They started playing, and out of nowhere, Monica appeared with her guitar and started to play with them. Josh and the band didn’t understand, but they couldn’t stop. They carried on playing and won the contest.
“I don’t play for a price, I do it for the crowds,” said Monica after they finished playing. “Oh, and by the way Josh, you’re nothing without me.”

The author's comments:
For all the good musicans out there.

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