The Labyrinth | Teen Ink

The Labyrinth

April 4, 2014
By Hawx76 BRONZE, Hammond, Indiana
Hawx76 BRONZE, Hammond, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
the two best things in the world are drinking and religion, so drink religiously.

I awoke to a large room that was completely dark. Its smell desecrated my nose with its horrific aroma. It smelled of death and decay with a hint of bodily waste. The room itself seemed to be in the shape of a parallelogram I didn’t know the dimensions though. Then I saw him, my best friend Michel, he like me was here as well. He said to me “We’ve been set up man. Competitor hired hit men to take us to a secret location and torcher us till death” I asked why and he told me that he wanted to knock out the compotation. I asked where we were but the only answer he gave me was a shake of his head.

Suddenly a strange mildew like mist filled the already foul scented room. And in a faint distance I could hear the sound of bugs and they were large in number, but the worst part is they were coming this way. There was nowhere to run except I could see a small untended crack in the wall. Our captures must have overlooked when putting us in here. Slowly we crawled into the hole, meanwhile the bugs came towards us i told my friend to go first and that I would hold them off. Kicking wildly I kept the creatures away from us while he entered the other room. I slowly crawled to the other side as well still kicking the bugs until I entered a well lit room.

The room itself was red lined with golden trimmings. In the middle was a heaping mound of gold coins, bars, jewelry, gems, and other various wonders. At the top of the room was a large golden anchor fixed over the middle. My friend energized with excitement ran into the pile of riches, forgetting that we were trapped here. ”Look at all this gold it’s everywhere, I want some.” He started to run. I yelled for him not to but he didn’t listen to me. The greed got the best of him and as he ran towards the gold he stumbled into a trip wire. That big golden anchor that was once a chandelier on the celling now came crashing down on. Squishing my greedy friend right in front of me. I sit there staring at the golden anchor that now has a red coating. Soaked from head to toe in my friends gooey insides i just sat there just staring. I finally got up and brushed of the goo and saw a door to the next room. I opened it and walked inside.

What I saw was a pool of bumbling liquid most likely steaming hot water and at the bottom of this pool was a key tied to a chain. The pool itself was short in width but was long in depth. It contained cord of electricity as well. So not caring any more if I lived or died because of my friend’s tragic death I dived in. trying to swim down in boiling water and electricity shocking you was pretty hard. But I was on the swimming varsity team and I got 5 first place medals to prove it. I unhooked the key and finally got out of the pool tired and wounded. I took the key to door and opened it finding another room tired and exhausted I laid there in the opening tired and got up and saw it.

In front of me were millions of doors and each one of them held a test and only one of the doors contained a way out. So I continued to go through these tests until I collapsed of starvation, tiredness, stress. Laying there looking up I saw a beautiful light shining upon my face and I could hear the stomping of soldiers feet and the yelling of rescuers but right then and there I laid flat dead and lifeless and could finally rest.

The author's comments:
I wanted to write so I wrote.

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