Blue Skies | Teen Ink

Blue Skies

April 2, 2014
By Bobtheguymandude BRONZE, Pflugerville, Texas
Bobtheguymandude BRONZE, Pflugerville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Yeah." - That one guy

Earlier that day, John got the news. He was going to be a father. John’s wife was about 8 ½ months pregnant, and unfortunately, he couldn’t be with his wife. In his line of business, it required a lot of travel, and he was halfway across the country when it he got the phone call. He was in his hotel room when the phone rang. It was one of his good friends who agreed to stay and watch over his wife. When he picked up the phone, all that was said was “She’s going into labor. If you’re lucky, you can get over here in time.” Within 30 minutes, John was at the airport.
He got out of the taxi, and ran into the airport. Once he got up to the ticket desk, he was nearly out of breath. “One… ticket… to… Boston… please.”

“You just made it sir, the plane leaves in 10 minutes.” The receptionist said.

John paid for the ticket and got into the plane, got his luggage put away, and sat down.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” The captain announced over the intercom. “Please fasten your seatbelts for takeoff.”

Oh God, I hope I make it in time, John thought to himself. The plane shook and rattled as it took off. In about 6 hours, he would be with his wife, and he would be a father. He felt as if his life had started to take real meaning. The baby would be a boy. A son. He couldn’t be happier.

Engrossed in his thoughts, he didn’t know what was about to unfold around him. In the back of the plane, a man dressed in a suit wearing a rubber chicken mask got up and started to walk to the restroom. He instead walked past it, and got a suitcase out of a cabinet. He opened it, and pulled out an M16. Someone started to yell, but he quickly bashed them over the head with the butt of the rifle. One other guy, dressed the same, but wearing a pig rubber mask stood up in the back, and walked up to the first guy up front.

Chaos started to ensue. Some people were crying, others were praying.

John broke out of his thoughts and started panicking. Would he ever see his wife again? Would he get to see his newborn son? That’s all he could think about.

“Alright, everyone shut up, and we will make sure none of you get hurt. My name is Leo, and this is my associate, Allen. Our job here today is to get where we need to be. I’m sure that is the goal for most of you as well. We can all be happy, but you need to cooperate.”

Leo motioned for Allen to go into the cockpit.

Yelling and gunshots were heard from the cockpit, and soon after, Allen came out with blood on his hands. Some girl started screaming, and Leo didn’t hesitate, and smacked her in the face with his gun and knocked her out.

Leo said something about getting the plane somewhere up in Russia, and Allen went back into the cockpit.

After about 30 minutes of silence, someone in the back of the plane stood up and started yelling.

“Isn’t there anyone on this plane that can do something? We aren’t doing anything to stop these guys! Come on, a cop, something!”

Leo raised his gun at the guy and told him to sit down and be quiet, but since the guy was yelling about stopping these two guys; he didn’t really care.

“If you don’t stop talking on the count of three, I’m going to shoot.”

The guy didn’t listen.


His wife was pulling at him to sit down.


He started pointing at Leo and yelling obscurities at him.


As the guy started walking towards Leo, the gun went off, and in an instant, the guy fell to the ground.

The man’s wife screamed, and then fainted.
“I told you! See? This is what would happen if you don’t do what we say, when we say it!” Leo screamed.

Allen came out of the cockpit with his gun ready to fire, and asked

“What the hell was that? You okay?”

“Yeah,” Leo sighed.

“We can’t lose hostages. Seriously. We need to be careful.”

Leo went and sat down in a chair in the front of the plane.

John thought for a long while what would happen to him. The two guys, they said that they were taking the plane to Russia somewhere? It didn’t make sense. Why did they want the plane? Heck, did the plane even have enough fuel? What would happen once they got there? He couldn’t let this happen. For the good of the people on the plane, and for his wife, he had to stop these guys, one way or another.

“Um, excuse me, Leo?” John asked in a quiet voice.

“Yeah? What do you want?” Leo said back in a harsh tone.

“Could I go to the restroom? It’s a long flight.” John asked.

“Sure, but make it quick.”

John got up and went into the restroom. He looked around for some kind of blunt object. On the wall was a small towel rack. John grabbed the metal bars of the rack and pulled until it came off the wall, slipped out of his hands, and hit the ground, but not before John was knocked against the sink from the sudden force.

“Hey! What are you doing in there?” Leo yelled through the door.

“Nothing, hit my ring against the sink and it made a ringing noise. Sorry.” John said back.

He picked up the metal bar, and opened the door slowly.

“Finally, now go sit do-“

John hit Leo in the head as hard as he could.

“Did- did you kill him?” One of the passengers said.

“I… Don’t know.” John said, shocked.

Apparently, he hadn’t made much noise, because Allen didn’t come out of the cockpit to investigate.

“Everyone, just stay quiet. I’ll go get the last guy.” John said aloud.

He picked up Leo’s weapon and went into the cockpit. Gunshots were heard, and some yelling. After about 3 minutes, Allen came out and screamed


A gunshot went off and Allen collapsed to the ground screaming and clutching his knee. John stepped out in front of everyone holding his stomach, and bleeding pretty bad. Everyone started cheering and got out of their seats. Some went over to Allen and got the gun from him, and others went over to John to help him. Suddenly, John collapsed on the ground, and everything went black.

When he woke up, he was in a hotel room, with his phone ringing.

“Hello?” John said in a tired voice.

“She’s going into labor. If you’re lucky, you can get over here in time.”

He hung up. It was one of John’s good friends who was watching over his wife at the time. John’s wife was about 8 ½ months pregnant, and unfortunately he couldn’t be with her. In his line of business, it required a lot of travel, and he was halfway across the country when he got that phone call.

In about 30 minutes, John was at the airport.

The author's comments:
This was done rather quick for my creative writing class, so it's a bit rushed. Sorry about that.

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