The Dreamer | Teen Ink

The Dreamer

April 4, 2014
By Anonymous

A perfect society most would say it is impossible one with no crime, poverty, and violence something men only dream about except one man had an idea. This idea could change the world as we know it but first lets start with the kid this was no special kid, he was no child prodigy. He was a normal middle class kid who lived a normal teenage life. He wasn't bullied, weird, or an outcast but he wasn’t a football player star admired by all his peers he wasn’t very smart probably could've thought things through a little better but Don't get me wrong he wasn’t stupid by any extent. His teachers, friends, and even himself would have thought different but inside in a way he was smart its hard to explain but some people saw it and others didn't. He was born into a Catholic family and he was baptized and confirmed in the faith although he shortly lost his faith after if he even had any to begin with. Going from a full believer to atheist the idea of a God was just so ridiculous to him. This was no shock to his parents they were holding on to there faith by a thread going to church every once in a while and call it good working pay check to pay check doing good and hoping god would let them in to heaven in the end. He believed in what he would call the cold hard truth of things is in the end you will die and decompose like every thing else and turn to dust nothing will happen as it should but thats why he thinks there is religion because people don't want to go through life and all its difficulties to just die in the end, whats the point. Life gets boring when you don't have to try to survive this is why kids throw them selves into TV, virtual realities, and even drugs the way of life for things is you are born, you learn to survive, you survive, you reproduce, and teach you’re young to survive and then the cycle repeats. He believes this cycle or way of life is breaking, falling apart because of technology. Its not as hard or changing in a way by that logic he does not think religion is bad, he sees the good in it even though he finds priest, and believers crazy and somewhat stupid for believing in such a bizarre topic such as God, but if thats what you need to get through life then so be it don’t let any one tell you different. Remember this is just one man’s opinion religion is good in a way it does save lives also the thought of a god listening to you and taking blame for good things and bad, but religion destroys lives too starts wars and could be one of the main reasons of bloodshed on this earth. A perfect society can be crafted from a religion, one religion, and the truth is there are a lot of people and they all believe different things so peace amongst them is not an option. When you are a kid and start to question life, god and all that stuff the answers you come up with will help in the making of who you are as a human being. Its one of the things that makes you unique, every ones brain is unique and different and it is also the key to perfect society so the first place to start is not the kid but his brain it hold unique thoughts that no one could mimic its what makes him......him but who is he? this kid is very content with what he has even though its not much. Its not because he is spoiled or anything he has had a hard life, including a bad divorce between his parents, a bit of a drug problem, and got put in a tough spot. These are just a few of the things, but he pulled through and endured his hardships like everyone else. Not only content but he also likes to see him self as a “pioneer”. Pioneers are not special people they are highly curious people who are not afraid to take untrodden paths. This is because they know how ephemeral life and all human things are they have no time to waste in futile arguments, social beliefs and other human stereotypes they know human beings are just animals doomed to death like all other animals. That being said he was very adventurous. He would always seek adventure but not just in the out side world in his own mind as well, but it wasn't always that way he never knew he could. The only adventures he cared of were the ones outdoors but he never got far in the middle of suburbia, the parks and forest were too small and could not contain the kid even when he had a good camping trip it always seemed the same to him. The woods from Des Moines to the boundary waters weren't all identical but some thing he saw over and over. He wanted to travel to Japan and climb the volcanos, go to Brazil and find an old temple, travel the vast plans of Asia, hike over the tundras of Canada, and camp out with pirates in the Caribbean it was something he longed for he was constantly stuck in his own little world, spending a lot of the school days day dreaming. One day he was bored had nothing to do no game to play and no one to play with. This wasn't new to him he would have a boring day every once in a while as we all do where he would try find something to do or build and all of a sudden make life changes, goals, and resolutions only to stick with them for a day or two. It ranged from a variety of subjects from going to the gym and getting in shape to trying to invent something or even deciding its been to long since you last watched a whole movie series and need to watch it again but this boring day was not like those it would go to change his life forever. Like most things, it started with a thought. The thought was the ability to control a dream but what triggered the thought was a memory of a dream. And like most dreams, it is very hard to explain. But long story short it was beautiful, one of the most beautiful dreams he has ever had and could not stop thinking of it and how he felt in the dream: pure joy. So he started to think“could you control a dream and even a controlled hallucination” i know it sounds crazy but the idea amazed the kid. Your mind is very powerful in a drug induced state you're mind is tricked into seeing things, so what if you could just trick your own mind and live in your own world forever? A bizarre idea yes, but a lot more is to be said on the subject. The more logical and ideal place to start is a controlled dream you may know this phenomenon as lucid dreaming which confused the kid cause lucid just meant clear or to see things more clearly, so he would learn to call it controlled dreaming or conscious dreaming. As he did research he found amazing things but he didn't want to just achieve one he wanted to know how it works so he studied the brain and CNS. Some time later he mastered the dream world every night he could have a conscious dream and he would call it his endoreality, which was an extraordinary place. There was no pain, no sadness, nothing but pure joy the most happy feelings ever, which he never before felt in the exoreality we all live in. Think of the most amazing breath taking moment in you're life were you thought life could not get any better, a moment you could not describe and it was like that all the time by his will. But after entering his enoreality he came back with a bit of sadness as exoreality was so crude, so simple, in comparison to the beautiful complexity of his own enoreality but it made his outlook on life change he looked at things with a new kind of beauty, even death. He lost his desire for money, power, or even a good social status, it is something neither he or I could explain, a kind of inner peace you couldn't find any where else. These so called scientist talk about this sort of stuff, but they are talking about things they have the slightest knowledge of. How can they know if they have not explored there own consciousness every thing we do is based around our consciousness and subconscious and it is so little studied along with dreams and the mind. So much more research on these topics have to be done and he was willing to help any way he could. The new society he had in vision motivated him, the discovery of our enoreality will be the new alphabetization of mankind, as this will be a complete revolution which will transform our societies in ways we cannot yet imagine and enoreality exploration is the first prerequisite in order to analyze and understand what consciousness is. This exploration will contact us with our conscious and unconscious selves. He believes all reality for any one is there own mind that is their own memory so the exploration of ourselves is the most rewarding thing one can achieve in our lives. Talking with your unconscious teaches you a lot about what reality and human life is. As his knowledge of the mind and CNS expanded so did the journey into his own mind which most of his research was based of. He would do and did great things with his mind but they weren't inventions, or new ideas it was self knowledge, inner peace, and great adventure he went to a place we can all go where no man or scientist have ever gone before our own mind or own consciousness. When you visit a place in you're mind, say Asia, its not exactly what you've seen of Asia, its more oneiric. It will never be the same when you re visit because you're subconscious will keep changing the simplicity of it. He no longer has stress or great life problems he as at peace and pure joy with a whole new outlook on life and how it should be lived. This is his idea of how a perfect society could be created. A good example is the Tibetan monks, they have been studying the same thing, although they are not caught up to date on recent scientific discoveries regarding consciousness, they have experimented with conscious dreaming, and he thinks a lot can be learned from them. But anyway, a lot more is to be said or can be said about this idea of a perfect society, consciousness, dreaming, the mind, and life itself, but at the same time a lot more he has yet to discovered there are still a lot of questions he has to answer, and convincing billions of people will be a challenge for him too. To be honest it probably will never be done its just a dream one man had.

The author's comments:
its pretty cool

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