Television Poster Child | Teen Ink

Television Poster Child

April 9, 2014
By Rebecca Wilson BRONZE, Warrington, Pennsylvania
Rebecca Wilson BRONZE, Warrington, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m the kid you saw on TV. The one without a name, the one who’s story became framed in your mind over the past six months. When I went missing years back, I became a milk carton kid, the one you never paid attention too. It’s a shame you didn’t because there was still hope at that point, then, they found my body. I had traveled a long way from my small town. Only dead people can’t travel. When they found my body, they began caring. How did I get there? That’s how I became famous as the nameless river girl. In reality they didn’t have to look too hard to figure out who I was. All they had to do was remove the pigtails and look past the scars. My name is not Jane Doe and I am proud to say I existed before the milk cartons and breaking news announcements, but how I got there was a tragedy.

The author's comments:
Children go missing every day every hour. Some go unnoticed. This is the poster child for missing children.

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