The Wheel of Life | Teen Ink

The Wheel of Life

April 7, 2014
By colleen1023 BRONZE, Commack, New York
colleen1023 BRONZE, Commack, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes I feel like a gerbil, running around and around on his wheel. I feel like my whole life I have been stuck. When you are little it is okay to feel helpless, but as you get older you get sick of doing the same stuff over and over and over again. Sometimes I feel like I just want to get up and leave. I love spontaneity. I wish I could just get away from this cruel insensitive world. If I had all the money in the world I would take random trips. I could wake up in the morning and instead of living my life day after day the same, I could wake up and say, “I really want to go to Italy today.” And I would go. My life is like a carousel, but minus the fun that you experience on it as a kid. And I’m constantly getting older. I wish I could slow down. I want to do something big with my life. I want to be remembered. After today I will change my life. I will get off of this wheel; I will jump off the carousel and go on a roller coaster. I will be myself. I am not going to hide who I really am. Why go through life, and wish you could have done it differently? Make everyday a keepsake memory. One in which you will look back on and think to yourself, “I don’t regret anything.”

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