Trust me!! | Teen Ink

Trust me!!

April 20, 2014
By Flyingpenguin BRONZE, Singapore, Other
Flyingpenguin BRONZE, Singapore, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from the town in countryside, Nye country, Nevada in the USA. I’ve been living in here since I was born. Even though there is very beautiful nature such as mountains, streams, trees surrounding me, it is quite boring to live in here. Can you imagine what you will feel after you’ve lived in a boring town for 16 years? I guess you can’t tell if you are living in a city. Anyway, I went to the school near my house as always. Even though living in this town is boring, the school is always fun because of my awesome friends. It’s always so much fun to hang out with them. When I just finished my English class, one of my best friends, John, walked to me. He lives near by my house. We’ve known each other for a long time and our parents are also friends. We still have dinner sometimes with his family together.
“Are you free on Saturday this week?” he asked.
“Yeah. Are you going to somewhere?” I answered.
“We’re going to have a party man! ¬¬It will be awesome!!” he shouted.
“And also, Betty is coming to that party,” he whispered to me with a meaningful smile.
“Oh yes!!” I felt really excited and my heartbeat started to go little bit faster. “I’m definitely going man!! Thanks for telling me,” I yelled.
Betty is a girl who is in a different class. I like her because her personality is really good and she’s really pretty. But I didn’t really have many chances to talk to her until now. So if she’s also coming to the party, it will be a great chance to get along with her.
“But don’t ever let my dad know about it,” I begged as I really don’t want that to happen.
“Yeah of course I won’t.”
I told John not to tell my father about the party because he will never let me go to those kinds of things. I hate him because he cares about me too much and it’s annoying. After I finished the school, I went to a restaurant and had dinner. Since the restaurant is quite far from my house and it takes time to go home, I went home at about 11 o’clock. My dad already came back from his work and he was mad.
“Where were you Jack?” he asked.
“I was hanging out with my friends.” I answered.
“You were hanging out with your friends and came back home at 11 o’clock?”
“Dad! 10 o’clock is not really late! Everybody goes home at 11 o’clock.”
“I know you are lying! You went to the club or something didn’t you?”
“No! I was just hanging out with my friends!”
And I just kicked the chair near by me and left the living room. He’s always like that. When I come back late, well a little bit late, he gets crazy and scolds me. He never trusts me. I suddenly felt tired and went to bed.

The next day, after I came back from the school, my dad was somehow pissed off and told me to sit down in front of him. I had no idea what makes him upset.
“I heard you would go to the party next Saturday.” I was surprised. Why does he know that I’m going to the party? After a few seconds of silence, I could know it.
“I know you are going there with John,” he said.
I guessed John didn’t tell about the party to my father but he told about it to his parents and his parents told my dad about it.
“Do not ever go to those kinds of things,” he ordered me.
I felt all of the hopes and dreams I was having were exploded.
“It’s just a party!” I said.
“There are lots of dangers in a party. You don’t know about it because you are too young.”
“But I’m already mature enough!!!”
“You know what happened to Allen!” he said.
We turned to be silent for a while since we both couldn’t say anything. Allen is my older brother. 3 years ago, when he was about the same age as my age now, he went to the party which his friend held, exactly similar to what I’m planning right now. My parents did not worry about him going to that party. My brother was really honest, serious and dependable. He was trusted. However, he also couldn’t tolerate to drink due to his friends encouraging him to drink. I also can understand. We can’t really get out of it when and if those situations happen. Probably he couldn’t deny because he was really kind. And then some drunken guy made fun of him as if he was trying to pick a fight. Name of the drunken guy was Shane. Since Allen was drunk at that time, he hit Shane. And then Shane suddenly got frenzy. He brings out the knife he had from his pocket and stabbed Allen. And then Allen died since where he was stabbed was unlucky. My family cried whole night after we heard about his death. My parents especially dad were shocked that he firstly attacked Shane. And then there was no kind dad I knew anymore. He really became strict after that incident especially when I’m going out, to protect me and prevent that incident happen from me. This was why my dad is strict.
“That will not happen to me!! Trust me, dad!” I shouted.
“The death of him was also because I trusted him. I will never let you go to the party!!”
I stared at him and then I went into my room without saying anything.

The day came. Today is Saturday. I decided to pretend to be in my room because I know that he’ll never let me go out even outside of my room today. But I will definitely not just stay in my room. Betty and John are coming and the party would be the most enjoyable thing in the year in this boring town. After a few hours, I escaped from the window. My dad wouldn’t realize because he usually drinks on Saturday afternoon. My mom went to a shopping center that is far away from here, so it’s also not a problem. It wasn’t difficult to escape. I tried to get to the party as fast as I can. Suddenly, one person came near me and talked to me.
“Hi Jack!! How you doing!!
Oh no… I wanted to shout. It was John’s mother. She was with a suspicious looking man with a hat and glasses and I had never seen him before. But I couldn’t care about him because the only thing I had in my mind was the party.
“Hi Mrs. Green” I pretend to be natural.
“Sorry I have to hurry now because my father told me to buy some cheese for his snack” I lied.
“Oh what a good boy. My son has to learn what you’re doing! See you Jack”
I hoped she wouldn’t talk about it with my dad. I started to run again.

Finally, I reached to the party. I saw lots of people going into the place and I couldn’t wait to go in. I went in and met with John. John seemed already excited. After that, I finally could talk to Betty. I talked about lots of things like where she’s from or what she likes. I didn’t drink because that’s what I promised with my dad. I wanted “now” to continue forever but the time went really fast. Suddenly, I felt scared because the man with the sunglasses who was with John’s mother was there at the party again. He was scary because I felt he was walking around me. And then he walked toward me and talked to me.
“Sorry Jack. I guess you are already mature enough so that I can and should trust you. You know, I was too scared to trust you because I didn’t want to have a sad feeling again. And also, you didn’t drink and didn’t break what you promised with me. I’m really happy about it and proud of you. I think I was a little bit strange since 3 years ago. Forgive me, Jack. I was misunderstanding about you.” And then he left the place. I was shocked and out of my mind for a few seconds. After that, I realized his voice sounded familiar to me. It was my dad. I was completely out of my mind and standing in the room for a while.

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