Regrets | Teen Ink


April 17, 2014
By Bree Kline BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
Bree Kline BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name’s Holly, Holly Green to be exact. I’m 15 years old, a freshman in high school. I’m a normal girl with a few friends, nothing special. I’m originally from Ohio, I’ve only been living here in Arizona for 2 months. The high school here is very different compared to back home, everyone is in their own group and not very welcoming. My first day of school wasn’t so bad after all, I met this girl named Kate. Kate came up to me and welcomed me here, how did she know I was new? Did I look different from everyone else, was it my hair, my clothes, my skin or the way I talked? Who knows, but that’s not the point, I actually made a friend. That day me and Kate got closer and got to know more about each other. She was my age and my height, bleach blonde hair and blue eyes. She was very pretty and had many friends, I have brown hair and hazel eyes with only a few friends. We were two completely different people and it didn’t matter, finally I found someone from here I felt comfortable with. I thought to myself that this year could actually be okay, a new start, no one knew my past, only my present, it was time to make new memories and forget all the bad in life. Throughout the week school got easier, I knew where all my classes were, thanks to Kate, she helped me out a lot. It feels like nothing could go wrong with our friendship. She always had my back and never got me into any trouble. Afterschool Friday was a normal day went home and did some homework and I got a call from Kate. I wonder what she needed, I answered “hello.” Kate replied and said she had a question to ask me and of course I asked what she needed. She asked me if I wanted to go to a party tomorrow night, just a little “get together” she called it. I told her I would be glad to but right before she hung up she said “ oh by the way you’re going to need to find yourself a ride there or to my house, the party starts at 9:30, ill text you the address.” I couldn’t even get the words out, as soon as she hung up I went downstairs to ask my parents, the said yes. That next day I was brought to Kate’s I was there by 9:00, she wanted to leave earlier than before. I asked “How are we getting there your parents aren’t home and you only have a permit?” she told me not to worry and I tried not to, I didn’t want her to think I was lame. We left the house around 9:15, we got there okay and on time. We walked inside and was nothing like I expected, I got a sudden cringe in my stomach. All I could see was liquor and tons of people, loud music making the floor shake. I had people I’ve never even met come up to me handing me weird liquids, I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to fit in with Kate. Was I making the right choice by doing this? At that point it didn’t matter we’ve been here for 2 hours and Kate was nowhere in site. I felt okay but at the same time I didn’t, I needed to get out of here. I walked around for a bit hoping to find Kate, next thing I know I hear Kate saying “Holly come here! Please!” I found her next to the toilet, suddenly I felt an urge like I needed relief I felt it coming. I held back my hair and realized we need to go, but how? I only have my permit and I didn’t trust Kate driving. I knew what I had to do, I grabbed the keys and said lets go Kate. She told me to go and that she would find a way home. As I’m going out to the car people are yelling “look the new girl can drive.” All I can think of was something to say so I don’t look dumb, I yell back “yea of course I can drive!” the guys yell back “right on” as I shut the door putting the car in reverse. I kept thinking I can’t wait to be home, I took my eyes off the road to grab my purse. All I can remember was the horrifying sound of screeching car tires, a high pitched car horn and the sound of Kate’s car hitting the tree. I blacked out, minutes later I heard sirens and voices. I was in and out of sleep, all I could think of was the trouble I’m going to be in let alone the extreme pain. I arrived at the hospital rushing me to the emergency room I blacked out again, I couldn’t open my eyes or talk. All I could do was lie here in numbness thinking to myself am I alive... am I dead? It felt like I was trapped in a black hole. My mind was like my diary, I wondered to myself why I even did all this…it wasn’t worth all of this. The thing I learned the most from this experience, “Never try to be someone your not just to impress others.” Be yourself..

The author's comments:
i wrote this piece because i felt like it would show teens the consequences you can face when making bad decisions.

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