The Opportunity of a Lifetime | Teen Ink

The Opportunity of a Lifetime

April 17, 2014
By EllieMarley BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
EllieMarley BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

BEEP BEEP! My eyes fluttered open to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I groaned, flinging my arm over to hit the button to make the noise stop. I rolled out of bed and went to my closet, pulling out my uniform, a navy blue and green plaid skirt, white collared blouse, grey sweater, and black ballet flats. I quickly twisted my long blonde hair into a braid, put on some mascara and called it “good”. Knowing my parents had already left, I went to wake up my brother, Sam, and help him get ready for school.
You see, Sam has autism and my parents are constantly working to pay for the services he needs, so I take care of him. “Ok Sam it’s time to get up!” I said in a cheerful voice, opening the blinds in his room to the sight of the congested traffic that New York is famous for…I sighed, and heavy traffic today…lucky me. Sam sat up rubbing the sleep form his eyes. “Lottie?” (He calls me Lottie—my name is Charlotte) “I have a field trip to the zoo today.” I smiled as I grabbed jeans, a shirt, and a sweatshirt for him. “Oh fun! You get to see all the animals!” I exclaimed happily. Once I got him dressed we ate a quick bowl of cereal, grabbed our shoes, coats, and my backpack, got in my car and drove to school.
After I dropped Sam off, I drove to my school. It’s not a huge school, considering that it’s private, but quite a few kids go there. As I parked my car I saw my two best friends running up, Jennifer and Dean. I got out and greeted them. “Congratulations!” they shouted as I stepped out of my car. I was really confused so I asked. “Thanks? What did I do?” They looked astonished. “You haven’t heard yet?” Dean gasped. “No, what?” I exclaimed, getting a little worried. “Mrs. Wright chose you and Lyn to go to Europe for three months!” My mouth dropped open. “You get to study fashion in London, Paris, and Italy!!!” Jennifer said. She looked so excited she might burst, and she isn’t even going! “Oh my gosh guys!” I said breathlessly. “I don’t even know…I just…” as I struggled to get the words out. They laughed and hugged me again and we went into the school. Throughout the whole day all I could think about was the trip. I had tried so hard to get good grades and put my name on the waiting list in ninth grade, and now as a senior I finally got chosen!!!
Later that afternoon, as I drove to Sam’s school, a thought crossed my mind. How can I go on the trip when I have to take care of Sam? I can’t let mom and dad do it…we need the money, and I, of course, can’t bring him with me. My spirits slowly died, “I’m not going to be able to go.” I whispered sadly. When I picked up Sam he gabbed all the way home about what he saw at the zoo. I tried to be interested in what he was saying but with the trip still on my mind it was hard. When we got home I made Sam a snack and put him in front of the TV to watch cartoons while I did my homework. I decided I would still tell my parents about the trip even if I didn’t go.
After dinner, when Sam was tucked into bed I told my parents. ”So, do you remember that trip I always wanted to go on? The one to study fashion in Europe?” They nodded. I took a deep breath and continued. “Well I found out today that I have been chosen to go.” My parents lit up. ”Oh sweetheart what a wonderful opportunity! We know how much you would enjoy it!” my mother exclaimed happily. “Yeah…but…I’m not going to go.” I said sadly. “Why not?” My dad questioned. “Well with you two working all the time who would watch Sam? Grandma lives in Boston, and everyone else is out west.” I said hanging my head sadly. “It’s fine, really. I would much rather be here with you guys.” I got up and walked to my room flopping down on my bed thinking about how much I wanted to go on that trip.
Two weeks have passed since I learned I was chosen to go on the trip, and declined it…well I have only told my parents, Jennifer, and Dean, so technically I haven’t formally declined and I’m still signed up to go. As I walked to my next class, Fashion Merchandising and Design, I ran into my teacher, Mrs. Wright. “Oh hello Charlotte!” she said. “Have you turned in the permission form for the trip yet?” I sighed, “No, I haven’t yet Mrs. Wright, still working things out at home.” I lied. “Better get to it! It’s due a week from today!” she called as she walked away. Great, now I have to tell her that I can’t go, I said to myself, way to go. Not a good way to end a Friday.
Sunday night my parents told my they wanted to talk to me. “We understand how much you want to go on this trip.” My mother started “but you feel like you can’t go because there would be no one around to take care of Sam.” I nodded, and she continued. “So, we called Grandma and she said she would be more than happy to come and stay with us to help with Sam while you are gone.” I sat there in silence, and then I smiled, I have the best family. I got out of my chair and enveloped my parents in a big hug. “You guys are the best parents ever!” I told them with happy tears forming in my eyes. I get to go! All my dreams are coming true. I turned to Sam who had been quietly listening and gave him a hug too. “Lottie?” Sam asked when I pulled away. “Yeah buddy?” I replied. “Are there zoos in Europe?” We all laughed, and I hugged him again. “Yeas Sam…there are zoos in Europe.”

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