My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

April 17, 2014
By CaitlynClark BRONZE, Juction,City, Kansas
CaitlynClark BRONZE, Juction,City, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“My Name”
My name is Caitlyn Marie. When my parents found out they were having a girl, they were trying to find names for me and my dad says that if he gets to pick my first then my middle name can be my mom’s choice. So this is how my name happened, my dad loves soap operas and thought a woman on one was really pretty so he named me Caitlyn after that female. Then my mom agreed and said that I would have her middle name which is Marie, and of course I got my father’s last name so my full name is Caitlyn Marie ! Well if you didn’t know and was wondering my name does have meaning, my first name means “pure”, my middle name means “bitter”, and my last name means “scribe”. Isn’t that a weird combination of words? Caitlyn isn’t very unique but I believe it’s beautiful and my mom tells me my name is beautiful and that it fits my personality and other things. She used to say it’s as pretty as a flower, and it blows her away like the wind. My name is amazing to some people but I think that its just like a common word like THE. I did research on my name and it said that my name is very common in the U.S. In 2012 it ranked 382 in popular baby names for girls with 816 occurrence’s less than 5 boys were given the name. the name is a slight respelling of the Irish name Caitlin, which is the Celtic equivalent of Catherine. The name was brought to the British Isles in the middle ages by way or the Norman French Version, Cateline, the name was borne by an early saint who was martyred in Egypt and came to be associated with courage and purity, qualities that were attractive to the Celts isn’t that cool! Well that is my name and my name is my name so I have to deal with it, and that’s why and how I got my name.

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