Everything Changes | Teen Ink

Everything Changes

April 24, 2014
By Anonymous

Running through the park trying to get my mind off of things and relieve some stress I couldn't help but notice all the kids hanging out with their friends. At this time of year I would have been clothes shopping for the first week of school and waking up early everyday just so I could look good and maybe catch someones attention. Reminiscing on all the old times I remember my freshman year when I woke up at 5:30a.m just so I could girl my hair or have my hair perfectly straightened, then I would spend an hour trying to have my make up perfect I already had my outfit laid out because the night before I wanted to make sure I had the perfect outfit as I wanted everyone to look at me like I was something perfect needless to say now nobody is perfect. On the first week I wanted to catch the senior and junior boys attention hoping one of them would at least acknowledge me.

On the first week of high school a couple boys caught my attention but whenever I got to my 7th hour study hall I think I may have fell in love at first sight as he was perfect he had freckles and was really tall and skinny his eyes were big and hazel. My best friend when I was a freshman would have been named Morgan she we had been best friends for three years she was always by my side my partner in crime. She skipped class with me on the first Friday of the school year you could say we were crazy teenagers. As each year went on your friends really depended on who kept in contact with you or who you had classes with. Trying to have fun each and every weekend sometimes got kids in trouble. Friday nights were based on cheering in the stands for your school hoping they would win cheering for your team also meant freezing cold nights and drinking hot chocolate while watching the game.

Not realizing what the games actually mean to the football players when I was a freshman has changed so much after seeing them cry and put in the effort just to win. As a senior each game meant you were getting closer to your last high school football game ever each game you play as a senior is one step closer to your last. As a Senior I was best friends with many people and I am lucky to have grown up with them. I was still dating the guy I had crushed on since my freshman year because well he was perfect to me. My opinion on what others thought of me didn't really matter much to me any more what mattered most was my happiness. Dressing to impress wasn't the most important thing anymore I rarely even brushed my hair or applied make up to go to school realizing I shouldn't have to try to look like a model for someone to acknowledge me.

Looking back on high school now makes me wish I would of tried out for some sports that way I could have met new people and tried new things. Not being in school anymore has changed my life in so many ways it is harder to keep in contact with people cause I can't just wake up anymore and see all my friends in the same place. The people that do keep in contact with me and who I keep in contact with is because we actually try to make time for each other. You have bills to pay you can't just depend on your parents all the time for everything you want in life. Also being a college student you are broke all the time.

Once you get out of high school the real world hits not everything is as fun as what it used to be. You don't have a lot of extra money to spend. Going to school and working a part time job means lack of sleep. So pretty much what I am trying to say is growing up sucks and to have fun as much as you can and do as many things you can your high school years because before you know it, its over.

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