Finding Ones True Self | Teen Ink

Finding Ones True Self

April 14, 2014
By KazuJohn BRONZE, Fort Riley, Kansas
KazuJohn BRONZE, Fort Riley, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bruce was just a normal 15 year old, with three little sisters. His twin sister Khaleesi, his kid sister Elizabeth, and his baby sister Eva. These three are the most important people to Bruce. Bruce and Khaleesi, who were just minutes apart in age, started high school. High school didn’t affect Khaleesi, but it really affected Bruce. He started caring about what people said about him and started changing how he acted. His sisters where the first notice this. Elizabeth was the first to notice and she brought it up to Bruce. She asked “Bruce why have you started changing? You’re not yourself.” Bruce just answered with “you’re as crazy as a joker sis.” Weeks went by and now Khaleesi has started noticing this change in Bruce’s behavior. She confronted her twin brother she asked “Look Bruce, Elizabeth is already worrying about you. Can you just tell me why you are acting completely different?” Bruce who was mad that his own twin was questioning him he answered “I can’t believe this just because Elizabeth is worried, why should you worry? You are supposed to know me better than anyone so just drop it, ok?” This is when Khaleesi started worrying because she and Bruce never would fight about anything. At this time Khaleesi started talking to Bruce’s friends, to see if they had noticed the change in her brother’s personality. She started with his friend Terry who was his best friend since the seventh grade. Terry had claimed that he hadn’t noticed any change with how Bruce had been acting. So she kept asking his friends. No one seemed to noticed.
She finally decided she would go home and she started crying when she sat down. Eva, who was the closest to Bruce, came in to the room and asked Khaleesi what she was crying about. She had told Eva that she has been trying to figure out why Bruce has been acting different. Eva had said “I know why Bruce is acting differently.” Khaleesi who was confused how her baby sister would now why her twin brother is acting like a different person. Khaleesi asked what it was. Eva Answered “Big brother is trying to renew himself because he feels like people at school don’t accept him for who he is, So he wants to be someone new.” Khaleesi was shocked to hear this about her brother. “I never knew that he was going through all this. Why didn’t he tell me?” Khaleesi asked. “He felt you would judge him as well.” Eva answered. They went and told Elizabeth what was going on with Bruce. Then all three of them went up to Bruce to tell him what they think he should really do.
Eva being the youngest of the siblings started “Big brother you are the most caring person I have ever meet. You don’t need to change for anyone.” Bruce looked at her and was amazed with how mature his baby sister was becoming. Next Elizabeth who is the middle child said “Bruce, don’t stop being who you are. We are proud of you for you not someone you’re not.” Bruce smiled at hearing the sister he fights with the most say this to him. Finally, Khaleesi Bruce’s twin sister said what was on her mind, “Bruce, you are my twin brother, and you can tell me anything good or bad, anything is anything. I will never judge you. So never think I will judge you.” Bruce sat there for a minute and thought about everything his sisters said. Then he said “Khaleesi, Elizabeth, and Eva you three are the most important people in my life. I’m sorry for how I have been acting lately. You three are right I have been changing because of being afraid of what people think about me” Khaleesi, Elizabeth, and Eva all run up and hugged Bruce to let him now that they forgive him. So from that day on Bruce promised to be his same old self every day. This made his sisters really happy.

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