Bad BreAK Up | Teen Ink

Bad BreAK Up

April 28, 2014
By cache binion BRONZE, Gary, Indiana
cache binion BRONZE, Gary, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Facebook,
It’s not you, it’s me. Im addicted to your blue and white colors. The gossip and drama. Everyday I withdraw myself from reality, logging in to you. I forget about homework and begin scrolling down my news feeds, being sucked into a world of social drama. I sit up all night being entertained by the connections and posts of friends. Hypnotized by a world of crazy media drama. Promising myself just 5 more minutes, never noticing the time I’m wasting sitting in front of you. Never realizing my true addiction to you. However, it’s time for a change. Time for us to part our ways. Time for me to let you go and log out for good. I’m sorry Facebook, but it’s best if we didn’t spend so much time together. I need to get back to reality, to the basis of life and actuality of it all. And the first step is deactivating you out of my life. You’re a waste of time and I cant progress in life if I’m wasting time on you. I hope there’s no hard feelings, just sincere understanding, that it’s really not you it’s me. You’re one habit that i have to kick to better myself and im sorry it had to be this way, but its time to move on and grow up.

Sincerely an Old User

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