The Listener | Teen Ink

The Listener

April 29, 2014
By brittanyabuhoff BRONZE, Montclair, New Jersey
brittanyabuhoff BRONZE, Montclair, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny..." - C.S. Lewis

He is very smart, but does not speak. He lives four houses down the block, but he hasn’t come out for as long as I can remember. From what I have heard, he is a demon, scared of the world around him.

I saw him. He is just a normal kid, afraid. He doesn’t talk. He listens. He listens to the world around him. He listens to the birds, the cars, the people. They give him ideas, ideas that can change the world.

Well, months passed, and now I talk to him almost every day. He writes his ideas in music, the sounds that he listens to. They are amazing transcripts of sound in everyday life, stories that can be told any day. The sounds are of loud cities and magical forests, of creaking staircases and water dripping down the sink in the bathroom. The sounds are beautiful and true.

Many people though, don’t find his music beautiful. I think they prefer classsical. What they do not realize is that his music can change the world.

The sounds are beautiful and true.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by the beautiful sounds of nature. Everybody is always consumed by the radio or other forms of entertainment and never take time to sit back and enjoy the natural sounds of an old house, or in this case, "creaking staircases and water dripping down the sink in the bathroom.:

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