Scared | Teen Ink


May 7, 2014
By HazelGracee BRONZE, Andover, Massachusetts
HazelGracee BRONZE, Andover, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I saw the lightning flash across the sky as the frigid rain pelted against my skin. I looked down at the rushing river below me, the waves crashing violently against the shore. The metal bridge creaked as we ambled forward, pushing against the malevolent wind. My predilection in this situation would be to flee and leave the risk behind but, today I decided to be imprudent, and make the jump. I felt a soggy hand on my shoulder and heard the cheering of the diminutive crowd as I walked toward the open ledge. I watched someone take the leap, their body floating in the air then disappearing into the murky river.

My toes poked over the edge, sticking out over the harsh current below. “Breathe in, breath out,” I thought erratically. 3…2…1… I shoved off the creaking bridge, my stomach doing flips as the wind pushed wildly against my skin. I fell through the air, my body weightless but my thought broke as I slid into the icy water, my stomach settling back into position.

The world turned taciturn, my hair spreading into a million different directions. I felt the sand scrape across my skin, my body held in suspense as the water flowed above me. I peaked out of one eye, enabling me to swim upwards towards the group of onlookers about 20 feet up, waiting to see me emerge from the water.

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