Fan Girl | Teen Ink

Fan Girl

April 30, 2014
By Anonymous

Fan Girl
It had been three years since I first heard Them sing. Ever since, anything with Their faces, song lyrics, I had bought and treasured. Not to mention the countless contests, raffles, drawings, and entries to meet Them. I had entered them all, but all of them went to someone else. At Their concerts, I was the one in the front row wearing complete fan gear (you know, hat, face paint, shirt, etc.) sobbing my eyes out and breaking everyone’s eardrums with my piercing screams. All my money went toward Them. I would do anything for any one of Them to acknowledge me or even my existence. Are you wondering who They are? They are the greatest band of all time, the most talented musicians in history, The Notes.
This was going to be my best and potentially the most dangerous stunt I’ve pulled yet. That means a lot, because I’ve done everything to try and get Their attention. I’ve graffitied my house (I got grounded for two months), graffitied the school (grounded for four months and got a month of detention), started countless fan websites and social media accounts (then posting about The Notes fifty times a day, getting me not that many followers), and even hacked the school website (they still don’t know who did it), but that was only practice for what’s coming. Now, I’m going to do the impossible. I am going to hack Google and make all searches lead to the iTunes page for The Notes. After that, The Notes will have to notice me, so all this will not be for nothing. They have to, or else……. Well how could they not? “This is it,” I tell myself. “After this They will finally know about me, and want to meet me, and then they will fall in love with me, and my life would be perfect”. How else could it end? I know everything about them, I have spent all of my free time for years searching facts, pictures, and interviews, and watching and listening to Their songs and music videos over and over and over again. I know that. No other fan has ever put as much into knowing them the way I know them, or if they’ve even tried, they don’t deserve them. The Notes are my life.
Anyway, back to my little project. I have spent the last six months working on this, and I’m still not sure if that was enough time, but their fourth album is coming out in a three hours, and that’s the ideal time to do it. I could chicken out and spend another year waiting and preparing, but I just can’t wait that long. It’s got to be now. Ok, so everything is set up and prepared, I just have to find a way to pass by the next 3 hours. Then all I will have to do is release my virus, which will then make every search go to Their new album on iTunes, onto the Google software. I guess I can just lay down and rest for a little while, it’s not like I’d sleep through the most important moment of my life…..
I jump awake. How much time had gone by??? Minutes were crucial. I ran to the clock to check the time. It was 11:55. The Note’s album comes out at midnight. I had to be prepared I could not doze off again. Sitting at the computer, I fiddled with my home screen, changing it to another picture of The Notes until it was 11:59. My heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to explode. My fingered hovered over the key that would change my life. I was counting the seconds. Just as the clock changed to midnight, my finger came down, and the virus was sent. I briefly wished I could take it back, but I quickly dismissed the thought. This was the right thing to do. It had to be. Why wouldn’t it be? How else would I be able to meet my soul mates? I cleared these thoughts out of my head and went back to sleep.
The next morning, after I went downstairs, I looked at the newspaper. ‘Google Hacked’ was in big bold print on the front page. I started to get excited and nervous at the same time, excited that I will get to meet The Notes and nervous of what will happen before that. All during school, that’s all everyone was talking about. I heard people using the word ‘freak’ and ‘obsessed’, and they were saying that whoever did it must have ‘a mental issue’. I did get some satisfaction when the computer geeks were arguing about how the person could have done it. They didn’t think it was possible, but if they had ever taken their focus off video games and whatever other geeky things they did, they may actually learn how to really work computers and get things done. When I got home, there was nobody. I was surprised. Shouldn’t there be news vans and reporters here by now? Where were the news people with their microphones and pestering questions that would ultimately lead me to meeting The Notes? I felt so disappointed. I realized that I had covered my tracks too well. Why didn’t I leave a flaw in the virus? Now the media would never track me down and interview me. My computer skills were too good.
Weeks went by and still nothing. I was ready to kick myself I couldn’t come forward and say it was me. Everyone would just think I was trying to get attention by claiming someone else’s fame. Well, there was nothing I could do now but dream about The Notes and think of some other way to attract Their attention. My life just had no meaning without them.

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