Sunday | Teen Ink


May 12, 2014
By Erin Ryan BRONZE, Palm Bay, Florida
Erin Ryan BRONZE, Palm Bay, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Today was the first day back to school after winter break and I wanted to wear the new clothes I got for Christmas. But when I was looking for my clothes, I remembered I left all my new clothes at my dad’s house. Isn’t that just wonderful? I rummaged around my room to see if I could find anything new but I couldn’t find anything. Because I couldn’t find anything I decided to take a quick shower and deal with the clothes situation afterwards.

So I turn on the water in the shower and quickly got it. I probably should have waited for the water to get warmer because it was freezing cold. I stood there for about ten minutes, waiting for the water to get warmer. But no, the water seemed to only get colder and colder. I eventually gave in and got out of the shower before I could get hypothermia.

I went back into my room and searched through my closet fir any clothes suitable for the cold weather. I couldn’t find anything so I settled for my soccer training pants, which are almost the same thing as sweat pants, and a random t-shirt I found in the back of my closet. I feel like my outfit is screaming “I’m giving up on life today!”

Since I somewhat washed my hair, I decided to see if I blow dry my hair to distract from my lazy outfit. I plugged it in and turned it on. I sat their anxiously in front of it waiting for it to turn on. I unplugged it and went to five different plug outlets to see if it would work. But it didn't. I only had five minutes to get ready so I grabbed my hair brush to attempt to tame my wild hair. Knowing my hair would frizz, I put my hair in a messy side braid.

When I was done, I sprinted to my room to get my shoes but I couldn't find them anywhere. It was then I realized I left my shoes at my friend Amanda's house. Of course. I found my black moccasins and slipped them on as I put on perfume and deodorant.

I ran to my mom's room to tell her I was ready for school and she was still sleeping. I yelled at her to wake up about a million until she woke up. "Mom we need to go I'm going to be late!"

"Erin, it's Sunday," she mumbled. I looked at my phone to see the date on the screen. It was Sunday.

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