Thomas's Story | Teen Ink

Thomas's Story

May 21, 2014
By cmuirheid BRONZE, North Richland Hills, Texas
cmuirheid BRONZE, North Richland Hills, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Thomas’ Story


12:07, read Thomas’ alarm clock. The glowing green numbers lit up his dark bedroom. Thomas lay in his bed thinking, thinking about his secret. His secret he wouldn’t dare tell anybody. If he did, he would put his life in danger.

The secret was in his backyard and on his body, his muscular body and on his bulky arms and legs. That body was once part of a normal family with a regular mom and regular dad. But 6 years ago that all changed.

When Thomas’ dad left, his mother became different. She started drinking. And soon all the grass became covered with empty bottles of alcohol. And then it got worse, his mother started to hit him, punch him, and kick him, sometimes until he bleed. She often yelled at Thomas, saying that if she ever told anybody what she did to him, she would beat him even worse.

Finally, Thomas fell asleep, but when he woke up, the first thing he could think about was his secret. It had once seemed so easy to keep to himself that he had an abusive mother. But now, after countless lies, people were beginning to suspect something. The image of his backyard full of bottles kept burning in the back of his mind.

After school one day, Thomas set out in the chilly October air. When he arrived at home he called out into the barren walls for his mother, nothing. Then Thomas noticed something. All the bottles that had been piling up in his backyard for 6 years were gone.

There was a note on the table for him from his mother. It read, “Police finally caught me, took me to jail. Meet me there after school. – Mom” Thomas sprinted out of the door and all the way to the station. He told the receptionist who he was and who he was here for. An officer took him back to see his mother. He was in such shock afterward, he needed to sit down and just breathe for a minute.
A middle aged man walked in and told the receptionist that he was here to see Jane Goodwin. Thomas jumped up and ran over to see who this was. After he realized who he was, he needed to sit down even more. He was so excited to see his father!
After all three left the police station, they became a normal family again. With a normal mom, and normal dad. Everything was back like it was supposed to be, after the worst 6 years of Thomas’s life.

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