" My Normal Day" | Teen Ink

" My Normal Day"

April 25, 2014
By 818MARCUS BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
818MARCUS BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I always say, decisions I make, I live with them. There&#039;s always ways you can correct them or ways you can do them better. At the end of the day, I live with them.<br /> -LeBron James

My family and I walked in to the bank on a normal day and all we hear is a few men yelling.
The one with all black and a Barack Obama mask on was shouting, “Everybody get on the ground.” As he is yelling that out he is waving a gun around.
The other one who also had all black on but a George Washington mask on had a lady held hostage while she was giving him all the money.
Before I tell you about that let’s get to how this exotic day started. My brother Derick was the first one up (like always) and that meant everybody would be up soon. He loves T.V and he always has it blaring. I was sleep until my mom got up and started cooking. I could smell her superb cooking from a mile away. The smell practically carried me from my room to the kitchen.
After we were done eating, we were all sitting thinking of something to do for the day. Then my mom said we could go to Great Times. My brother and I agreed joyfully.
We all got in the shower and started our day. We were sitting for a little bit and then left. I hurried up and jumped in the front seat. My brother got upset but I told him he could get it on the way back. We were halfway to Great Times and my mom forgot to stop at the bank and get some extra cash. Then this is when our day got STARTED.
“Get on the ground now, I’m not playing.” He said while he was pointing the gun at us now.
I said, “NO!!!” and he got all in my face.
“What did you say?” robber number one said.
“I said…..” then I knocked the gun out of his hand and told everybody to run and call the police.
Luckily they were right down the street while all of this was going on so they got to the bank within minutes. They arrested the criminals and thanked me.
After everything was over we left the bank and were back on the road. We got to our destination and had a great time at Great Times. At least I thought we did.
Later, I heard my mom yelling at me to get up. This was all a dream………….or nightmare. Either way it goes it was a crazy day at the end. I will never forget this “DREAM.”.

The author's comments:
I had to write a Realistic Fiction Story in English

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