Get up, stand up | Teen Ink

Get up, stand up

June 2, 2014
By Eduardo Quezada BRONZE, Bronx, New York
Eduardo Quezada BRONZE, Bronx, New York
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On March 9th, 2017 Jadyel Nuñez got drafted from College baseball to the Minor Leagues. He used to play for the Uconn Huskies and got drafted to the Trenton Thunders on March 9th 2017. When he got the news in College, he was very Excited.

During Spring training Jadyel was very Excited to meet his teammates and Manager. As soon as he got to New Jersey to the Thunder Stadium, he introduced himself to the Manager.

“Wassup, my name is…” said Jadyel.

“I don’t care what your name is!” said the Manager.

“I’m sorry,” said Jadyel.

“Join the others in doing laps now!” said the Manager.

So Jadyel did, and as he was doing laps he noticed his teammates were very mean to him because he was the Rookie.

“You new here?” said the Captain of the team.

“Yeah, I’m the new 3rd basemen of the team.” said Jadyel.

As they stopped to stretch and do Jumping jacks the Captain and Jadyel started to talk more and bond. After the Spring Training Jadyel and the Captain of the team named Jonathan Diaz went to go catch something to eat and talk more about their past lives and such.

“So where are you from Jadyel?” said Jonathan.

“I’m from Dominican Republic, what about you?” said Jadyel.

“Me too!” said Jonathan.

“So are they any embarrassing secrets I should know about you?” said Jonathan.

“...Actually yeah” said Jadyel.

“Wassup?” said Jonathan.

“I’m actually not that good at batting,” said Jadyel.

“...Ohhh, umm that’s ok…I guess,” said Jonathan.

So Jadyel and Jonathan left the Restaurant and when back to their houses.
The next day at Spring training the Thunders was doing Batting practice and everybody did well , except for Jadyel. He was up to Bat and first pitch was a Ball so the count was one-zero. Second pitch was another ball, so the count was two-zero, the third pitch was a Strike. So count was two-one, and on the fourth pitch Jadyel hit a Pop-up to Right Field and it was an Out. As he walked to the Dugout he was Ashamed and Embarrassed.
“It’s alright man it’s your first time at bat,” said Jonathan.
“Yeah, but i expected a clean Single hit,” said Jadyel.
“Don’t worry about it Jadyel, you're going to do fine in the PostSeason Jadyel, I have confidence in you.”
Three months later the score was eight to five and the Springfield Cardinals are up, with two outs in the last inning. The bases are full bases and Jadyel is up. He needs to make a walk off home run to win the game !!The count is three-two and Jadyel is very Anxious to win the game. The pitcher throws a curveball and Jadyel Strikes out in Circles ! He let everybody down including the Fans, His manager, and his Teammates, the Manager took him out of the next 10 games because he did terrible and he let everybody down. After one of the games , the Manager pulled Jadyel and told him that he’s about to suspend him until 2018 if he doesn’t pull himself together in the next 5 games because Jadyel is really terrible at batting , but is brilliant at third base.
“Jadyel, come here please,” said the Manager.
“...Yeah?” said nervously Jadyel.
“Why can’t you be more like Jonathan?” said the Manager.
“...Ok, I'll try to be just like him,” said Jadyel.
A week later, Jadyel was at Bat against the Rochester Red wings & the count was 3-0 on the fourth pitch Jadyel was hit in the left Kneecap with a 95 mph fastball, since he bats righty. Jadyel was seriously injured and the only one that was worried about him was Jonnathan, his best friend. Jadyel thought his career was over and that he was never was going to get drafted at this rate. Jadyel sat out in the Dugouts and just watched the game for the next two months. He noticed that that his team was doing way better without him, they did so good that they even made it to the Minor league Playoffs. Jadyel told the Coach he was starting to feel better and that he was ready to play again. At first the Manager wasn’t sure at first because they were doing so good without him.
“I’m feeling this Coach, really,” said Jadyel.

“...Alright, but don’t let me down boy!!” said the Manager.

“I won’t Sir, i promise!” said Jadyel.

Three days later the Trenton Thunders were going against the Springfield Cardinals in the Playoffs and the score was Tied at 11-11 in the 9th Inning and it was Jadyel’s turn to Bat and there was one at first base and one at Second base and the count was two-one. The pitcher threw a Cutter and it was a Ball, count was three-one. The pitcher threw a 88 mph Splitter and Jadyel swinged as hard as he can and missed. The third pitch to Jadyel was a 92 mph two Seam and it was in the Strike Zone, so he striked out. The game went to extra innings and the score is still tied at 11-11, and it was Jadyel’s turn to bat once again. As Jadyel walked to Home plate, he had his head down and thought a lot about what people told him to do, especially the Manager. He remembers that the Manager told him to be like the team captain Jonathan Diaz, so that was what Jadyel trying to do all along. He was trying to Bat like him, play infield like him, and even do the same plays like him, until he realizes that all of that was Bullshit. He thought to himself, “I’m going to do my own thing starting today!”
As Jadyel stepped to the Plate he looked up at the roaring People in the Stadium and inhaled and exhaled very slowly. He signaled the pitcher that he was ready & the first pitch was 90 mph Knuckle ball & it was in the Strike Zone so it counted as a Strike. Jadyel was Anxious and impatient, so he got ready and waited for the pitcher again, and the pitcher pitched at 95 mph changeup & Jadyel swung and missed. Count was zero-two and Jadyel was very frustrated and wanted to hit a Home Run to win the Play-offs. So Jadyel took it very serious and everything slowed down in his mind including the pitcher, Jadyel had the fire in his eyes and he was also sweating and very nervous. But he was also ready and Humble, so the pitcher threw a nasty 103 mph fastball and Jadyel swinged the bat harder than he ever did in his entire life and out of nowhere...BOOM ! He hit the ball so far Jadyel had time to run through all the bases twice, but as he opened his eyes the baseball reached 437 Ft. As he ran to first Base the whole Dugouts cleared as they were Screaming happily and waiting for Jadyel at Home Base to celebrate and jump on him. The Trenton Thunders won the game 12-11, and Jonnathan asked Jadyel how did he do it ?!? and he just said I decided to be a Leader not a Follower…

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