Renaissance Kid | Teen Ink

Renaissance Kid

June 2, 2014
By BigGameWriter BRONZE, Houston, Texas
BigGameWriter BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Creativity is humanity's precious resource

One child was often seen as an abstract individual in a small neighborhood. He absolutely loved storytelling, no matter what form of media it was presented in. Whether it was in books/graphic novels, film, video games, or music, if he was introduced to any that moved him emotionally, then it was a work of art in his eyes.

He was also in love with the art of animation, as he believed it was a perfect way to portray grand stories and powerful emotions. He was never open about this with the other children, but his parents were always of his passion, giving him the nickname "Renaissance Kid".

As he grew older, he spent a lot of his time developing a story of his own, hoping to achieve his goal in portraying the grandiosity of storytelling. It did'nt matter what form of media it would be developed in, or if it would be a massive hit. If it could find an audience, then he feels that his dream would be achieved. Such is the dream of a Renaissance Kid...


The author's comments:
I have always loved stories, and have always believed that animation is a perfect way to express unorthodox storytelling. I hope to write something anyone can enjoy someday.

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