Like Father, Like Daughter | Teen Ink

Like Father, Like Daughter

May 29, 2014
By Anonymous

We had decided to meet in the river at two o’clock. It was now five, and he wasn’t here. The air was thick, and humid. The trees were still wet with drops of water racing to the ground from their long dirty leaves.There were puddles everywhere. What once used to be clear water, turned into a mixture of soil with pieces of grass, garbage, and more garbage. The violent wind wouldn't stop messing up my hair. I’ve been waiting for years to meet him so I decided to give him time. And when I say years I mean long blue years. 8 years, 3 months, and 58 days to be exact. But the weather sure wasn’t making it easy. There was no place to sit; everything was covered in piles of garbage. I found a white and old, plastic spoon and started to move some things away trying to clear out space in the floor to sit. I sacrificed my pursed and sat on it. The smell of the garbage slowly started to cover my nose. I tried to use my hand like some source of filtrate, but the heavy smell was impossible to ignore. I could tell from the smell that 50 percent of the garbage was composed of candy wrappers, and soda cans, 40 percent was expired food, and the rest was made out of decomposed animals growing new living things on them. He was someone who I wanted to see since a long time ago, he was my dad. I didn’t know how much I could stand it.
I was excited to see my precious daughter who I had not seen for many years. The plane was delayed and I was surely late, and hoping with all my heart that she was waiting for me. The weather was cold and dark, but nothing stopped me to see those big blue eyes my baby had inherited from my mother. I was running and stepping on puddles that splashed fresh water all over my legs. It reminded me of the last time I saw my little girl, and we were playing under the rain, letting nothing stop the time. The wind was brushing my hair, cleaning my soul, and taking from me all bad memories and mistakes. I saw the river on my side and turned. In the middle of the colourful floor was my daughter. Facing the river, and giving me the back, she made all garbage shiny, and all smell pure. I walked closer and closer to her until I realised that she was just a random woman. Where was my daughter?

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