The Judgement | Teen Ink

The Judgement

June 24, 2014
By Emily492 BRONZE, Griswold, Iowa
Emily492 BRONZE, Griswold, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is not beauty that endears; it’s love that makes us see beauty.

It is during this time that the later world has come to an abrupt halt at which most have forgotten God and have become bound by Lucifer’s loathsome twines. Material things are all they hold at a high regard, and most are, at one moment or more often, hypocrites. As I write this fluidly, with much thought of others and little for myself, I too realize that I am among these people. Lucifer has become deft in his reign over our dear Earth, our home in which he has destroyed with sin and misery. The Virgin Mary appears often, revisiting her old hearth to bring love and hope unto those who seek it. She does this because the world is close to its end, and she wishes to prepare us for eternity. To bring the pith of my colloquy about, I will simply say this: the world will see the last of its days, and I hope to not be alive at its end. For if I do, my heart will shatter. Souls I love too dearly will be throughout, weeping and crying out to God that they were not ready, that they did not know He would come so soon. I would watch them, fearful of my own fate but also saddened for their own, because the Glory of God will come to judge the living and the dead, those good and evil. The trumpet would have been sounded and had rung through the universe with a mighty pitch, calling out to the dominance of man. God would come down to the first heaven, where the clouds would float with supple innocence and the Light of God would show throughout the Earth. The Judgement would have begun. Good man would move toward God with a bowed head and humble approach, overjoyed with His Glory; evil man would be in distress, his mind fraught with excuses for his wickedness. And it would be in this moment that I would know my true stance between good and evil. And with the heavy cloak of evil I bear, I realize that I am not good, and that I must fathom how my actions affect so very much: my eternal fate.

The author's comments:
My hope is to open up everyone's eyes before it is to late. Time flashes by and before we realize this, many will be kneeling before God, begging for a second chance. That, however, cannot be given. And before you know it, your being throne into a pit of eternal fire- all due to ignorance.

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