Nothing Good | Teen Ink

Nothing Good

October 6, 2014
By BreannaLucci BRONZE, Mayfield Hts, Ohio
BreannaLucci BRONZE, Mayfield Hts, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 “Oh, my God!”
“What happened?!”
A hysterical breath answered, “I don’t know! She just fell!”
Dark hair; dark features appeared over my face. I blinked harshly. “Are you okay?”
A reply did not spill from my lips. All I could do was loosely follow panicked face after face as they checked my wrist, a shaking hand felt my forehead, people kept talking—I could hear them but they didn’t make any sense. All I felt was pain, deep, back snapping aches coursing through my body. Head begged for mercy, death. My lungs forced air in, out, in.
“Get the nurse!”
Fingers scraped at my forearms; grabbed my body and dragged me off the tile. Two. Maybe three of them. I tried to resist, but my legs wouldn’t follow the command. Lockers tilted. My mind flashed back to the pills I took a few minutes ago, one four ten too many.
“Noelle,” An older lady begged from down the hall. Eyes squinted at her, heavily mascaraed lashes fogging my sight. Who was she? A tsunami of nausea crashed through my stomach, it was everything I had not to vomit all over myself.
“Guys,” She demanded of the people swarming me, the word stabbed my temples. “Bring her in here. Then go.”
They led me through a door, legs straining to keep up. Eyes widened then squinted at the washed white walls. They were forcing me in a chair. I tried to help, to put my weight towards it, but nothing moved. “Does anyone know what happened!” The nurse wailed as they sat me down, put an icy glass cup of water in my hands. I vaguely wondered where they got a glass cup from.
A chorus of  “She just fell”s sung to my desperate mind; a single “She walked out of the bathroom and collapsed,” stood out. And I wish you let me die on the tile, is what I did not say.
“Noelle,” Someone muttered. I willed everyone to just go away. Please, quit watching my defeat, let me leave in peace.  “What happened?” The woman was concerned, hair askew, eyes watering. I stressed to gaze at her.  My mouth opened to reply, but all that came out was a slow breath.  She said, “You’re shaking,”
It was only then I noticed how my whole body was a mess with shudders; water spilling over me, coating my fingers and pants in chills. “I…” The words came out slowly… Everything dotted with black once more.
At that moment, my body boiled from the inside, the lady became big, then small. Blood pumped from vessel to vessel, and I kept thinking; I want to die. Just let me die.  Someone was screaming my name, but it sounded far away. Like I was in a tunnel. I became a cloud of ink and dust.
One thing stood out before I disappeared; an icy glass cup s h a t t e r i n g on white washed tile.

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