Hire Me | Teen Ink

Hire Me

October 13, 2014
By bellybelly BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
bellybelly BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You should hire me. Why? Great question. I will benefit you in the most unique ways possible. Everyone wants a piece of me. The way that I work is so distinctive, you will never want to let me go. Being the respectful person I am, I'll make sure all your customers feel welcome. I won't greet them as soon as they come in. Being the responsible person I am, I'll make the customers who are wondering around the store, find their own way because that's the only way you'll learn things on your own. However, I've been told, on multiple occasions, that I am a very accountable person. I'll make sure all paper work gets done. Say for example, some files need to be sent in at 6:00 in the evening, I'll get it to you right at 5:59pm in the evening.


Moreover, from my paper work, you may be wondering why I no longer work at my recent job. They had to let me go because I was so perfect and they did not want me to intimidate the other employees. I used to sit around all day and observe the cleaning lady. I didn't do any work, because I had to make sure her job was getting done the appropriate way. I know that you are thinking, how considerate of me. But my job didn't see it that way. Also, I always swiped in late. Now hear me out. The systems at my job were always crashing. So I thought why come and swipe in with everybody else, when there's a possibility that the system may crash while we're clocking in all at once. On that note, I took my time and came in late every single day. Eventually, I received a letter via email from my job saying that "They have to let me go", "My time hear was appreciated and that I could find a better job to suit me", and "There's no need to come in tomorrow". Saying all that to say, my job didn't appreciate the little things I did for them, and I don't like the disrespect I received from them. Especially when I was being very considerate and caring. Hopefully by looking at my special work ethics, you will not only consider, but choose me to be an employee at Staples. I promise, I will be the best employee that i can be. I will demonstrate the same exact behavior of qualities that i demonstrated at my previous place of employment. I can guarantee you that you don't have any employees with these remarkable qualities.It would be my pleasure to grace you with my presence everyday. You would ultimately regret not hiring me.

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