The Two Bullies | Teen Ink

The Two Bullies

November 7, 2014
By Anthony Choi BRONZE, San Jose, California
Anthony Choi BRONZE, San Jose, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time, there was a boy called Justin who was in 6th grade in his middle school year having severe chicken pox and getting bullied by two bullies; Thomas and Robert. And he is always stressed when he gets bullied. No one liked him. No one honored him. No one wanted to play with him. Everything he did was alone.
                      One day, during a school lunch, while Justin was eating his lunch, Robert and Thomas came over saying, “No one likes you Justin! Why you always bring same food everyday? Is that the only thing you have at home? Wow, what a surprise!”. And later on Justin exclaims, ”Why? You guys are such a bad bullies. No one likes you either. Get out of my place.” After a short time, Robert and Thomas started to use physical bullying as they were grabbing Justin’s neck cruelly. But fortunately, the principal came over and stops the fight. However, no actions taken since principal noticed after they let Justin free.
                      And that was not only the day when Justin was bullied by Robert and Thomas. The same harassment and same bullying repeated every single day and it was very stressful for Justin. Later on, Justin goes to his mom and asks, “Mom, I can’t take this anymore. Could we move to new school? I am always bullied and I am tired of it,” and his mom replies, “Just wait. There would be a way to stop the bullying. I will contact the principal tomorrow,”.
                       Next day, after the day when Justin’s parent contacted the principal that Justin was getting bullied, principal did not take any actions until about a month or so.
And without taking any actions from teachers or principal, Justin was even harassed in the locker room, which was totally unacceptable. But then later on, principal planned to take serious action against Robert and Thomas.
                     Before the end of the school, Thomas and Robert were brought into the office for bullying students at school. When they transported to the office, they met a principal and had a serious action, which was to kick them out of the school, which was a great fortune for Justin. But still, Robert and Thomas didn’t get kicked since office needed more evidence of being how they are bullying. Although, later on, Thomas and Robert had higher chance of getting kicked because they were bullying and harassing anyways.
                   Later on, the momentous fortune for Justin finally came, as Thomas and Robert were getting kicked due to it was unacceptable. As soon as they left, the school became more peaceful as well as for Justin, but it is still pending that Justin is still alone and he do not know when is he going to get bullied again.

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