I Have Sunken | Teen Ink

I Have Sunken

November 17, 2014
Anusha Kalyanasundaram BRONZE, Powell, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

   My dad always told me that people say things that they don’t mean. He told me that people will judge you for stupid reasons. He told me that when people are mean to you, you should show those people that they are wrong. You shouldn’t give up your dreams because someone has one negative thought about it. “A ship can’t sink unless water gets inside of it. You won’t be affected by the negativity unless you let it get inside of you.” He told me that when I was 10, maybe 11.

   Now, looking back at those words, every single one of those words make sense to me. They make sense. Everything makes sense now. Why? It’s because I’ve been through everything he said. I was judged, made fun of, threatened, put down, and my dreams were crushed. All I wanted to ever do though, was to make other people be happy and help them achieve their goals.

   Everything makes sense now and I use those wise words. Everyone’s happy right? No. I let the negativity get inside me. The negative comments and threats were trapped inside me. I had no way of sinking or rising. I was a prisoner inside my own body; I didn’t know how to get out. The negativity ate me from the inside out. I had no other choice but to end it. To end everything. To end my life. I decided that it was time to sink my ship. So, I did.

   My ship sunk on April 28th, 2009. And now here I am talking to you on November 19th, 2014. Actually, I’m not here because I’m not on the surface of the earth; I’m dead. What I want to tell you though, is the same thing my dad told me. Don’t let the negativity get inside of you. Don’t sink. Show the whole world that you can do it. Show everyone that you will not have your dreams crushed. Don’t let other people decide your life, like I did.

   That’s all I wanted to tell you. YOU. Reading this right now. I don’t care what your dream is because whatever it is, I know you can do it. YOU can achieve your dream. YOU can do whatever you want without sinking. That’s all I want. Don’t sink. And while you’re at it, tell my dad that I love him.

The author's comments:

This is COMPLETELY FICTIONAL. Thanks for reading!

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