An Unexpected Journey | Teen Ink

An Unexpected Journey

November 13, 2014
By Anonymous

I rush to my class almost being late I get to a seat take out my laptop and start to type up some chemistry notes. After I finish typing the sentence my mind starts to wander off and I think what am I doing here I’m sitting in a class with 300 other kids and teacher who doesn’t give a crap if learn anything or not. So shove everything into my back get up from my seat walk to the door just as I leave being spontaneous as possible I yell at the top of my lungs “I love bagels” and slam the doors on the way out. Feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline I start to run, running the cracks of the pavement, cutting through the grass kicking up tanbark as I pass the massive pine trees finally getting to my dorm. I unlock the door grabbing whatever money and food a have left and pick up my skateboard on the way out. As I’m strapping my skateboard to my backpack unlock my bike and start riding, I don’t where I’m going but I continue to ride my bike and decide where ever it takes me my journey starts.

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