Grendel: A Man Eating Demon | Teen Ink

Grendel: A Man Eating Demon

November 20, 2014
By Natalie Krummel BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
Natalie Krummel BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As i awoke in my isolated cave on the outskirts of heorot, All i could think about was food, glorious food. nothing could satisfy my craving for juicy meat. WHile deciding on where my next feast would take place, i heard the danes open the doors to heorot. they sang in the place i once called mine, and the sounds of their laughter made me become furious and full of rage. i was ready to take heorot back and feast like never before. never again would i let their god throw me out or treat me like an outcast. i am grendel, a man-eating demon. as i stealthily crossed the murky marshes, i could smell the soldiers’ blood rushing through their veins. my mouth began to water, and  i was ready to live up to my name as a bone crusher, blood gusher, monster. their peaceful sleeping seemed so tranquil, but i reached out my claws and the soldier screamed with a shrill. I ripped through his chest and feasted away. the crunching of each man’s bones sent chills down my body, and i was satisfied finally.

twelve years passed, and i am once again the ruler of heorot. I am known as god’s fiend.  no one dares to cross my path in fear that i will kill them even more brutally than before. people say a warrior is coming to defeat me, but i laugh in pity of them. for no one is as great as i; the butcher of all human flesh.

that night at heorot things felt strange. men, who i had never seen before, guarded the halls. my adrenaline for hunger rushed in, and i quickly devoured them. Alas, i came across another man sleeping, but as i went to feast on the final man of the night, he awoke and started to put up a strong fight. this fight was like no other, for i was struggling to survive. with one tight grip, he ripped my arm off my body. i screamed in devastating pain as i watched my life soon come to an end.


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