Vanity | Teen Ink


November 21, 2014
By AshtonLonng BRONZE, Peachtree City, Georgia
AshtonLonng BRONZE, Peachtree City, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The alarm rung, waking the boy out of his sleep. It was time to get up and get ready for school. But, today was his biggest day in his life. He is going to ask a girl out.
The boy, Kyle Edward, sprung from his bed and headed to his mirror. Looking into his mirror, he put on the biggest smile. Today is the biggest day, Kyle thought, I am going to ask her out. He pressed his fingers to his reflection on the mirror and admired how awesome he looked.
Reaching for his comb, he brushed his dark hair. After, he jumped lightly to his closet and opened the doors that appeared upon his clothes. Kyle skimmed over some clothes and put them on. Again he went to the mirror admiring his clothes and the way his body fit into them perfectly. Dude, you look handsome, he thought.
Finally reaching for the school and parking the car in the front, he saw the girl that he thought he loved the most. With all his vanity he knew that she loved him back too.
Kyle got out of the car, lightly jumping on his feet.
“Hey, Alexa!” he shouted.
Alexa looked back and rolled her eyes, she knew exactly what was going to happen. Alexa never liked Kyle at all, and she was ready to say no. And the one thing she could not stand, was that he was so obsessed with himself.
“Hey, Alexa. Wait…”scrambling towards her, he tripped and landed on one foot besides her. “I was wondering, could I ask you a question?” she nodded, “Would you like to go on a date with me?”
It went quiet between them and it took a few second until Alexa could answer.
“Um, Kyle, my answer is no.”
Kyle’s smile turned upside down. He thought that she loved him. Then he stopped in the middle of the hallway where their conversation ended and waved to her as Alexa left.
Pulling out his phone he looked into his reflection and notice that he needed to go to the bathroom. As he walked in, he looked into the mirror and tried to pretend to fix his hair. Kyle was so embarrassed.
“I thought she loved me!!!” He slammed his fists against the sink and tried to persuade himself that he was the best looking man in the whole school and one day Alexa might fall in love with him.
For his one last look in the mirror, he faked a smile and walked out of the bathroom.

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