Women Of The City | Teen Ink

Women Of The City

November 30, 2014
By Cheerleader38 BRONZE, Bushkill, Pennsylvania
Cheerleader38 BRONZE, Bushkill, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The cold bitter air of city streets has a distinct smell. Cigarette ash and the smoke from taxi tail pipes filled the windowsills of skyscrapers with black soot and deprivation. Women, with nothing to their names, stand on corners and attract the much-wanted attention of the rich lonely white men. The smart ones always make sure the men pay up before they put out. They all have their reasons, absent fathers, mouths to feed, bills to pay, some just like the fun of it all. The risk of being caught gives them a high not even heroine can provide, and they will settle for the drugs too. The drug game goes hand in hand with this sometimes. She needs her fix and he needs some “Love”. Everyone gets what they want. Often you hear stories of these women being slaughtered upon motel beds, left in ditches, or buried in back yards next to the family dog. Us everyday people never think to shed a tear or morn the loss. We read out daily paper, drink our coffee, and return to those same streets for work with out giving it a second thought. We fail to see the value of a human life, whether they are criminal or just plain cruel. We all make mistakes, some bigger than others but that does not make us any more or less human. 

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