So This Is It | Teen Ink

So This Is It

December 29, 2008
By Anonymous

“So this is it,” Marie Rhea whispered, as she sat down on the slightly moving swing. The air around her was tense and eerie. There was silence for a few moments, as her words lingered in the air.

The silence was broken as a car drove by. “So this is it,” Carmen Martinez echoed. Eyes slowly lifted from their harsh watch on the cold ground.

“This is not it, it can’t be, we didn’t’ go through thirteen years of torture just for this. We didn’t go through those carefree moments, those awkward moments, those clique fights, just for this. We have to do something, we just can’t,” Suzanna Pablo trailed off; anger and fear lit her dark brown eyes. She looked down, willing the single tear, rolling down her cheek to disappear. Hoping everything would be all right.

“We must though, tomorrow, people are heading off to college, some to the East Coast, and some to the west. Some of us are going to be scattered in between, and some aren’t leaving at all. We’ll always be Porterville High’s class of 2009, but now we have to go different directions,” Javier Samuel whispered.

His words cut through the tension like a knife through butter. Serious faces held on guys, tears streamed and lingered on girls. Slowly one by one the students of the class of 2009 stood up, hugged, and said their last goodbyes, until only one sat on a swing; alone.

“So this is it,” Marie Rhea whispered. Her words lingered in the warm autumn air.

The author's comments:
I wrote this in my sophmore year of high school, and at the time all I could wish for was to get out of school. It was mid April when I wrote this. I remember looking around my school and seeing how happy everyone was, but then I saw just a few seniors look down as they saw the amount of days they had left, and I realized, that soon that would be me.

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This article has 2 comments.

rockerjrae said...
on Jan. 18 2009 at 11:20 pm
I liked it and even though i'm only a junior i know that's exactly how it is going to be. On thing though, saying "like a knife through butter" is kind of cliche, so maybe that is something you could work on. But overall, it was really good!

kim said...
on Jan. 15 2009 at 4:11 am
i love it! i really like the last paragraph and the ending sentence is really intense! If this was made into a book about people graduating high school i would buy it!