All It Took | Teen Ink

All It Took

December 9, 2014
By KylieLynn97 BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
KylieLynn97 BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you're not first, you're last." - Reese Bobby (Ricky Bobby's father)

Her hand gripped the metal railing.  Step by step she ascended the concrete stairs.  Her hands tightly grasped the silver push bar as she opened the door.  The bright sun heated her face.  Sweat was beading on her forehead.  Her mind was racing.  She couldn’t believe that she was about to end her life.  So many things had happened and she couldn’t look back now.  No one wanted her on this planet anymore.  She had nothing to live for.

She walked across the roof as the wind blew her hair back.  No one would care enough to stop her, so why not just keep going?  She walked slow, still contemplating if this is the right choice.  Her dress blew in the breeze, leaving her cool.  She got to the edge of the roof.  Just one step and everything would be over.  In a blink of an eye, she would be gone forever. 
The wind started to pick up, whistling softly in her ears.  She was ready to do this.  She didn’t want to suffer anymore.  All her life she had been bullied endlessly.  Everyday someone went out of their way to tell her that she wasn’t wanted or that she should just kill herself and get it over with now.  She had thought of killing herself countless times but never had the strength to do it.
No one would mourn her, she had no one left, and everyone at school hated her.  No one would cry because she was gone.  The only reason someone would know about her would be because she fell off the building, not because of something she did in her life.  The story would soon blow over and people would just over look it as another helpless soul gone too soon.
She stepped up to the very edge.  This was the moment she had thought about since she could remember.  It always made her nervous, yet she knew she needed to do it.  Her foot staggered over the edge of the building.  The busy streets were booming with cars.  The loud city noises made their way into her ears.  Her head felt like it was spinning and it felt like the sun was devouring her body with flames.  She leaned forward and that was it took.  Her hair and dress blew in the wind as she tumbled past the buildings.  Her eyes closed forever as she saw the last glimpse of the sky.

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