personal metaphor | Teen Ink

personal metaphor

December 18, 2014
By Ariellissette BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
Ariellissette BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder” Plato. I do not look at myself and admire what some would say is beautiful, I do not get to study myself nor acknowledge what I am. Everyone in this world has the opportunity to see me, hear me, smell me, touch me, or taste me. But the only person who does not get that opportunity is I. I am diverse, I am tough, I am cruel, I am rare, I am independent, I am sincere, and I am strong. You can look at me, you can study me, you can admire me, and you can clarify me. One thing you cannot do is pick me up and try to change me for who I am and what I stand for. I know I am not perfect, I don’t see beauty within myself, I am a victim of self deprecation which happens every day of my life like an addiction. But what I do know and will always know is I try everything I can possibly try to be a good person and do what good people I know do. I’ve grown surrounding myself with walls of strength. I’ve done beautiful things. I’ve learned all about diversity. I’ve learned to stand up for myself. Most importantly I’ve found my own happiness through independence and experience. I am a bright red rose with thorns down my stem and roots deep into the ground.
My bright pedals show off vibrantly to the eyes of others looking down onto me, something I would never get the opportunity to admire. My green stem extends downward, through the bush, and through the dirt, and finally into the ground to the root of the beautiful rose. The roots are grown strongly into the dirt making a secure foundation for the rose. My roots hide deep under the dirt but no matter how ugly they are, in the end they make up something so extravagant, something neither beauty nor dullness could ever reveal. Up the stem is the evil; the torturous but purposeful thorns are the most important of me. When someone tries to rip me out of my bush, attempting to pull me out of my roots, and destroying my foundation, I will fight back. My thorns will cut into their flesh and hurt them, showing them that they cannot and will not ever defeat my whole purpose as a rose.
Give me to your boyfriend after he loses a relative, give me to your mother when she is feeling sick, and give me to your grandparents when it’s their anniversary. My job in life is to comfort people, to make them happy, to show them beautiful things in the world. Not only can I be a red rose, but I can be a white rose, a blue rose, or even a yellow rose. I represent diversity.
When you look at a rose you see its beauty and exquisite kindness; yet, when you look down it has thorns which represent its independence and strength. I may not be beautiful but what I do as a rose, I know is beautiful. I am kind, I do everything in my power to help, comfort or do anything for anyone in need. I have a strong will to be able to protect myself on my own and never rely on anyone else to help me. I am a rose. I will never see myself for what I am on the outside but what I feel on the inside is what I feel when I look at a rose. I behold something beautiful, tenderness, strength, and stability. “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder”.

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