Letter to me | Teen Ink

Letter to me

January 6, 2009
By Anonymous

Have you ever heard the song Letter to Me by Brad Paisley? Well if not the song talks about how he would write a letter back to the 17 yr old version of himself. And in the letter he talks about how he would live and love more and how to not worry so much and that he'll get through that breakup and later on make a beautiful family. He also says that even thought he might think it now he's nowhere near the best times of his life. Well I might be 17 now and I know I have much more living to do but if I could, I would write a letter to the 14 year old version of me. Now I know that what choices we made and what point were at in life now was due to our past and if it wasn't for our past we wouldn't be where we are today. Well right now I'm at a pretty comfortable place in my life but I think I might write a letter now to me for almost 4 years ago. So If I was I think my letter might look like this.
Dear Me. I know you might not think this is true but this is me just and older grown up version of you! Now I know you think your cool, all that and more but that group that your with just quite isn't right. Late nights and drinking and dodging the red, white, and blue just might not be the scene for you. Remember when you had dreams and goals for yourself? Instead of drinking and partying and living it up, well just slow down you'll have time for that later. Now you'll straighten up soon and not just focus on the life of a partier or more. Yea you'll still have that teenage kind of fun but it wont be every single day. And for the future with 1st man you'll fall in love with don't pick fights just because you're afraid then that your relationship isn't what its supposed to be. Also after you break up don't keep look for love and that passion in all the wrong places. But definitely don't let the next that'll take your heart lead you on and get out of that b4 it ever started because I'm still dealing with the effects of that relationship. Now I'm not gonna lie that may be one of the hardest times you'll ever fall but it might also be the hardest healing process you'll ever have to go through. Also keep your head up no matter what happens. But the biggest thing I can tell you is to live your life every minute to the fullest and live every day as if it were your last. You may not quite get it now but trust me the older I've become the more and more I'm learning that this saying is true and to live by it. So I've probably filled your young mind with enough for now to take in but remember What I said because what you do and have done puts you in the place your at today.

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This article has 1 comment.

brittyray said...
on Feb. 21 2009 at 11:13 pm
(i love that song!)

good job!