A Coming of Age Epilogue | Teen Ink

A Coming of Age Epilogue

January 13, 2015
By JPonz BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
JPonz BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
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Kids, there was a reason why I burned the money. I knew our little group would tear each other apart for it. But it was okay. It brought us closer together. We never would have imagined that that adventure, would be the last time we were all together. You see, you never really know when the last time you’ll see someone. Whether it’s a friend, a guy from school, a drinking buddy, neighbors, people just tend to drift apart. I didn’t have many friends, but the ones I had during this time, in that small little group, were the best people I had ever come to know.

Johnny ended up becoming a prosecutor, he convicted Tim Allen in the murder of President Reagan II. He was appointed to a chief justice of the Supreme court. Barry went on to become a marine biologist. He ended up working at Sea World, until his death in 2024. Mickey, never came home from Vietnam after the second Vietnam War. Crazy Logan, we all lost connection with him in a few months. He got really caught up with online poker. He lost a few thousand dollars to it and ended up in some kind of dirty work, in Manhattan New York. Tyrese finally won that track race. Unfortunately, it didn’t count considering he graduated Middle School nine years prior to that event. He passed away, in 2031. And as for Marco, he earned his master’s degree, in gender studies. He died of starvation, in 2016.

The ways we all lived, after our adventures, were as diverse as each man.

Ares, finally got that job at Toys R Us. I still think about him everyday, wondering where they took him. Augustus became an eccentric playwright. His short two hour play “Pigs Aren’t Stupid!” was a smash hit. It was on Broadway, for all of about two performances. Mentally Deranged Steve, he never got out of his mundane job at Olive Garden, until he went on a rampage during endless pasta bowl season. He went out in a blaze of glory, in 2019. Archimedes; he works as a contractor in Philadelphia. He still works there. Garzonio learned how to play acoustic guitar, and proposed to his longtime girlfriend Katie Welsh in 2022. She turned him down. Gerardo died, in 2021. We never saw Katie Welsh after 2022.

There’s nothing in my possession I wouldn’t gladly trade away, to get at least one more day with these guys.

Wesley (with a K), overdosed, in 2145. He became the poster boy for a stand against drugs. Metatron, he finally settled down after his wild partying years. He has a small house in Ohio, with two beautiful daughters. Dijornu, the magical talking tome, embarked on a singing career. That’s right kids, that’s the guy in the background of II-pac’s new music video “Shot to Death”. Phil suffered from an aneurism in 2029. He could never write screenplays like he used to. Kardigak, the dark ruler, finally conquered the zigarar dimension. We still visit him every now and then. Miles got a teaching job at a high school as a writing teacher, he was sent to prison in 2018, for reckless endangerment of students.

    The more I think about all of the friends I had come to know over time, the more I think to myself “My God, what a ride it’s been.”

Connor’s past finally caught up to him. The FBI discovered the body we buried in Seoul, South Korea. He is currently running for Governor of Mississippi. Criminally Insane Tommy, he became a police officer in 2016. He has had a successful career. He is still on the force. Arkanos, the fire lord overcame his fear of heights, became a pilot. Gnarganar-nar-nar-nar-nar-nar became a firefighter, he helped save a child from a burning apartment complex. He perished in the fire. *A creature that’s name is only describable in clicks and inhaling* went on to become a librarian for the local school. Clark and Scott host a radio show on 104.6, talking about soft rock. Octavius, he went over to Thailand for a few years, to farm for Kolsawad. He committed suicide, in 2056. Doc Brando, was the best medic we ever had. He returned home from war with a German Walther, a souvenir for his little brother. Kalypso didn’t take up another tour of duty, he’d seen enough of war. He started a brewing company. Now in almost any bar you can pick up a bottle of Kalypso brand beer. Ultronite, he finally married Amy Scott. Most of us used his wedding as a form of reunion, in 2030. He coaches little league baseball for his son Ernie.

As for me. A few months after we had to move to New York City. Life in our family changed big time after Mama took up kickboxing. I never would have thought I would be the first guy to break off from the old gang. I thought life would never be the same. It wasn’t that bad. I took up a job as an architect for a nearby firm. I met your mother a few years later. You see kids. Life goes on. Sometimes you can’t take everyone from your past with you. You’ll have to accept that someday, your old group of pals will have to break off in order to grow, but. Never forget them. Never forget the good times, all of the joy, all of the conflict, all of the heartache. If I could go back to live these days again, there isn’t a single thing that I would change.

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