The Wall | Teen Ink

The Wall

February 10, 2015
By smilee2015 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
smilee2015 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I met her not long ago, thanks to a friend of mine, her cousin, and because we attended the same school, we soon started to talk. I got to know her a little better. I soon realized she was a very closed person, but she was different from other teen girls. She had built up a wall around herself, but I wasn’t sure why. Maybe it had to do with the fact that she once said, “Everyone ends up leaving.” Was she hurt? She had a heart of stone. I didn’t know how to approach her but my goal was to get passed that wall and find out why she built it. I wanted to get to know her soft side even though she said she didn’t have one, but I know everyone has one.

 She has beautiful long black hair and although she says, “it has no volume”, I think it’s beautiful. Her smile is like a little ray of sunshine. It lights up the whole room. Looking at her eyes is like looking at rich country fudge. I told her I liked her eyes and she looked at me puzzled, “They’re just brown” she said. Just like everyone else, she clearly didn’t see the things I saw in her. Others may see her as a “regular” teen girl or as a happy person. While some say she looks mean, I know she isn’t. And me, well I see a beautiful, strong, independent young lady. Someone who had probably been hurt enough to build up that wall for herself.

 I want to break her wall not only because I want to prove to her that not everyone leaves but also because that was me at one point. I was the closed girl who didn’t trust anyone, and then a good friend of mine made me realized that being closed and holding things in was not healthy. I was not only losing friends, but I was also isolating myself. I don’t want her to come to that point, and I want to be the person to make her realize that.
 We been friends for about 4 months now since October 9th to be exact. As the days go by I learn new things about her, I also realize that I can’t break her wall down, only the person who built it can take it down and I believe she is slowly doing so for me which makes me super happy. Each day that goes by we make new memories, we get a little closer, she opens up a little more, we laugh a little louder, we talk a little deeper, we joke around, and we gossip.
 I finally was able to ask her why she built that wall and why she didn’t open up very often, and she responded with, “There’s backstabbers and 2 faced people and I don’t know its hard Jane”

“But not everyone is like that and be honest with me do I still stand in the same spot from when we started talking? Or do you somewhat trust me now?” I replied

“To be honest you don’t, I tell you things I normally wouldn’t” she answered
  That made me really happy since I thought it would take me much longer to earn her trust, but I guess it’s the fact that I am always around and I’ve proven to her that I’m a good person!

 Although it’s been great meeting her and I have the best time with her, there are some days where I can’t stand her, she is so stubborn, she is grumpy for no apparent reason, some days she’ll complain about every little darn thing, sometimes she ignores me and everyone else and she just shuts down the world, puts her headphones in and sits there in silence not acknowledging anyone or anything. But there are those days where she is the happiest person on earth and she makes silly jokes, laughs without control and smiles like it’s the last time. But I have learn to cope with her attitude and cherish it but to be fair, she also deals with me and my sassy attitude, just like her I also have my bad days where I simply don’t want to talk to anyone and she deals with it and asks me if I’m okay I guess you could say she worries about me.

 I care so much about her at first I wanted to make her a better person but she changed things around and made me a better person, I’m much more happier. I love her and I cherish every moment I have with her. I’m so glad I found such a great friend.

 I thought things were going great! But then I got a call from her cousin “Hey Jane, Jocelyn just got in a car wreck” she said
My world just crashed, my heart shattered into a billion pieces, and my eyes started getting watery, “Okay where is she?" I said trying not to burst into tears
"She is in a comma and I'll text you the address" Carrol said as she hung up

I sat there quietly no words coming out of my mouth, I felt the warm tears rolling down cheek. My phone rang "46788 Pine St. 7890" I got into my car right away and drove to the hospital.
"Hey listen you need to calm down she is alive she is just in a comma she'll make it" Carrol said
"I want to see her, take me to her room" I replied

As Carrol takes me down to Jocelyn's room I think of the million things I should have said to her, she is on the border and I never got to say 'I love you' simply because I was too scared, since telling people I loved them was hard for me. We got to Jocelyn's room "can you give me a few minutes please?" I asked Carrol
"Yeah I'll be out there if you need anything"
I see Jocelyn laying there motionless, she has small cuts all over her body and all I here are the machines around her making all sorts of noises "beep beep".

I fall to the ground and break into tears I cry for a few minutes, but then I manage to say those words "I love you Jocelyn, You've become such a great friend I can’t lose you, but if I can’t get passed your wall than no one else can!” I say as I put the pillow over her face.

The author's comments:

A girl named Jane meets Jocelyn they become really good friends but Jocelyn does't let Jane pass through her wall. Later on Jocelyn gets into a car wreck, Jane's obsession of getting through her wall got out of control and she ends up killing Jocelyn.

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