Boston Cream | Teen Ink

Boston Cream

March 13, 2015
By abbie_687 BRONZE, Oxford, Connecticut
abbie_687 BRONZE, Oxford, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be Gentle In Life -Myself

Biting into Boston, cream. It brings her back to high school. The rough texture outside reminds her of the bus seats. They scratched her bare legs for hours. The smooth but cracked frosting brings her to the sidewalks of Quincy Market. Little sprinkles growing in the cracks much like the weeds in cement. The exploding inside resembles how she felt when she stepped on the bus after Boston. One day she’d be back whether for college, a job, or just a day and the weeds grew in the cracks liker he love for Boston grew when she bites into Boston, Cream.

She grew older in Boston dreams. The taste weakened as her brain deteriorated. The weeds died like sweet memories of Boston as the cracks were sealed for now she is under Boston forever.

The author's comments:

I'm in a creative writing class at my high school and every Wednesday, we are assigned a challenge/contest. This was the first challenege we ever were assigned. The Donut Challenge. Pick a donut adn create a story based on it by showing not telling. It was inspired by a field trip my class went on to Boston.


I came in first place out of 15 or 16 students!

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